Chapter 10: Playing Hard to Get

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Dipper really could make any girl fall for his charms, maybe even me.....

As I waited backstage with my drink in my hand, it began to come to an end. Many cheered as the twins bowed on the stage, and many girls griping before leaving.

The twins slowly walked off stage as their crew pushed the props off into the backstage. Dipper's eyes glowed a bright, iridescent turquoise before returning to his original color as he walked towards me.

A smirk was placed upon his lips before he spoke," How'd you like the show?" Dipper asked.

I rolled my eyes," It was great up until I involuntarily became a volunteer." I chided with a smirk on my lips to match his.

Dipper chuckled before stuffing his hands in his pockets," Well I had to show you off a little bit, since you are new..." and I rolled my eyes once more.

"Show me off? As to what, your friend?" I say with a snicker.

I hear a giggle before noticing Mabel sauntering over to where we stood. "I told you someone would be happy to see you." She said to me. My eyes widened as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and Dipper's chin on my shoulder.

"I think you're right," I reply with a snicker before looking at Dipper.

Mabel folded her arms over her chest," So when did you two become quite the couple?" She asked with a smirk on her lips.

I could feel red creeping up my cheeks and before I could reply, Dipper beat me to it," Well she was a little hesitant at first..." he said with a chuckle.

Raising my eyebrows, I look at him again, "Hesitant? Are you talking about the time I first met you? Which was only a few days ago." I said to him.

"Well...I...uh.." he stuttered, apparently I caught him in a little lie.

I snicker," Also I don't remember you asking me out on a date or even asking me to be your girlfriend, Mr. Gleeful...." I say with another snicker. Mabel covered her mouth with her hand to cover the laugh. I had caught her sneaky brother.

I could see a smirk begin to appear on his lips again," Well, (Y/n), I asked you to come to this, it counts as a date." Dipper replied, lifting his chin off my shoulder.

I roll my eyes," I guess I'll give you that, but we're still not together." I say with a giggle. Before I could say anything else, Dipper spun me around to face him.

I giggle once more," I see you want to talk to me face to face." I quickly say before I felt my body tip. Dipper's hand is wrapped around my waist whilst the other is around my back as he dipped me.

"Can I ask you something?" He says with a smirk as his eyes catch mine.

My face feels a little redder as I reply," Well it seems I don't have a choice to say no." A nervous smile appeared on my lips.

His eyes make their way to look into mine," Would you be my date at the Annual Gleeful Gala we have every year?" Dipper asks me.

My eyebrow raises," Is a formal gala?" I ask with a smile.

Dipper chuckles at my question, "No, it's a sweatshirt and yoga pants event." He replied in a sarcastic tone," Yes it's a formal event." Dipper finishes.

I giggle before replying," Sure Mr. Gleeful, I would love to go."

Dipper smiles before leaning closer to me," It's this Friday at 6, I'll come pick you up or you can get ready here with Mabel." He replied. It was almost as if he was going to kiss me until....

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