Chapter 4: First day

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(Y/n)'s POV:

My black converse squeak on the light-colored tiles. Pulling my (f/c) bag over my shoulder, my anxiety levels continue to rise. This was my first day, and I was still a little frazzled from earlier.

Mabel was next to me, Dipper slowly sauntered behind us. Her words sounded almost bored like she didn't want to be here. At least she was here with me. We walked into the front office and the office lady looked up at me.

She had a floral blouse on that looked a little too tight for her and her red curly hair tied in a topknot," What can I do for you, sweetheart?" She asked me with a sweet smile as she smacked the gum in her mouth. I could smell the juicy fruit smell as she spoke to me.

Her nametag said Myra, and it fit.

I smiled back," I'm new here, I need my schedule and such," I say.

Her eyebrows raised," Name?" She asked as she pulled on her glasses.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." I replied.

She quickly typed away at her computer," Ah, there you are. Alright I'll print out her schedule and then go grab your uniforms for ya," Myra said before the printer went off and she handed me the paper that included all my info.

Myra stood up and went to another room to grab my uniforms.

Mabel snatches my schedule from my hands and quickly skims over it," Oh, we have a lot of the same classes." She says with a smile before handing my schedule back.

Myra comes back with a stack of clothes in her arms as she walks back over to me. She places them on the counter in front of me," Here you go. There should be two regular school uniforms and a gym uniform as well." She says with a smile.

"Thank you," I reply before grabbing the clothes off the counter. All three of us quickly make our way out of the front office.

With the bundle of gym and school clothes in my folded arms. I was trying to keep up to what Mabel was quietly talking about but then she slowly died down.

"And over there is the cafeteria, and there's the library...." she said, pointing to the closed and open doors. There were many students with uniforms and such, many of them with bored or excited expressions.

"Well you better get changed," Mabel says with a giggle, before pushing me into the nearest restroom. Looking back, I see her typing away on her phone.

I quickly get into the stall, and change into the (f/c) and black uniforms. These uniforms were actually kind of cute even though it was a school uniform.

I lastly pull on the black flats I was supposed to wear. I wore a black skirt, and a (f/c) top, along with a black tighter fitting cardigan. Walking out, I stuff my other clothes into my bag to put in my locker.

Mabel smiles deviously," You look good..." she says, putting on some dark-colored lipstick in front of the mirror.

"Thanks..." I muster out, with a smile. I pull my bag over my shoulder, and head out; Mabel is behind me.

I quickly find my first class which was with Mabel and Dipper. But I just stayed in the back of the class, with them right next to me. And class started......I'm still a little nervous. It was English class, not my favorite but still not the best.

<time skip; brought to you by lazy author>

I fall onto my messed up bed when I get home. My bag is on the floor, with a thud. My clothes are sprawled out next to my bag. A little ding comes from my iPhone 8, that was laid next to me. I try to grab my phone off the of my bed but I hit it off before I could reach it.

I sigh before leaning over my bed in the most awkward position ever. My stomach laid on the floor as my legs were on the bed still. I quickly grasp my phone off the floor and check the text.

-hey (y/n), wanna come over and hang out?

-Sure, when can I?

-Anytime :)

-Ok, be there in a little bit

-Kk :)

I change into my clothes from earlier, and quickly grab my small backpack from my desk. I quickly hop down the stairs and walk out the door.

"Bye, dad! I'm leaving to go to my friends house!" I yell, and I hear him mumble an 'okay'. And I quickly run out the door with my keys in hand.

Dipper's POV: (I'm changing it up!)

I swing my knife with its handle. The man's eyes widen as I slam it down. I miss him, but my shot was so close to his ear.

"Mabel, what are you even doing?" I ask her as I pull off more knifes from our table.

"Texting (y/n). I invited her over to hang out," Mabel retorts, not taking her eyes off the screen while smirking.

"Wait? What?" I quickly spit out before quickly looking back at her. Mabel quickly throws the dagger she held towards the man strapped to the table, she barely missed my shoulder.

A scream escapes his mouth as the dagger quickly descends upon him. She stops it before it hits him with a smirk.

The dagger levitated in midair,"Yes dear brother. She is coming over." My sister replies, before grasping the floating dagger. A sigh of relief escapes the man.

Mabel rolls her eyes before rising the small steel weapon and declined it into his neck. She slices it open with a smirk. The man's screams slowly die down as he dies, the life fades from his eyes.

She smirks up at me before letting go of the dagger," You better not do what you did before like this morning, she is our friend. Don't screw it up!" Mabel warns with a snarllike expression before closing the door.

"More like your friend, someone to play mind games with." I mumbled under my breath. I could hear Mabel scoff outside the door.

I roll my eyes with a chuckle," Will!" I call out and our little blue demon appears in a blue flame. Will was in his usual attire with pale blue hair and a weary-eyed look on his face.

"Y-yes Master Dipper?" He asks in a shaking tone as Will was wringing his hands together.

"Get me a new change of clothes, and get rid of THAT," I demand, looking down at my blood-splattered button down shirt.

"Y-yes s-sir." Will mumbles before disappearing into my room. I smirk before walking through the door of our chamber, and quickly walk down the hall to my room.

As I walk through the double French doors of my bedroom, my clothes change into a dark blue button down shirt and some black slacks.

"Will you need anything else s-sir?" Will asks nervously, he held a body bag behind his back. (See what I did there..😏)

"No! Now leave!" I say before pulling up my sleeves. A little poof of blue flames appear in the corner of my eyes.

A wild smirk is upon my face as I run my hand through my hair. Now I had to wait for (y/n) to come. Although she was hanging out with Mabel, I still wanted to see her again. Hopefully I didn't scare her away this morning, I needed her for my plan.

Word Count: 1305

Author's Note:
-Hello! Alexandra here, I hope you like this chapter. Could we get this chapter up to 200 views so I can update? That is my goal! I hope you like this chapter and thank you for the views I've been getting on this fanfic! <3
Hope you like it! Plz:
Sorry for any mistakes!

{Last time edited: 7/22/20}

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