Chapter 9: The Twin's Show

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Taking a seat near the edge of the row, the show began. Anticipation ran through my veins just as the curtains opened showing two special brunettes.


(Y/n's) POV:

"Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy!" The two twins yelled in unison. A buzz of excitement zipped through my body as I waited for the show to start. Dipper and Mabel looked around the audience with smirks upon their lips.

When Dipper caught my eyes, his smirk widened into a mischievous smile. "Are you all ready for what we have in store for today?" Mabel asked the audience. In response, the crowd cheered and my hands began to clap involuntarily. As I starred at my hands in a dumbfounded way, I could feel a gaze on me. As I looked up, Dipper still had his gaze on me but with an even bigger mischievous smile planted on his lips.

Oh that little sneaky one! I sneak a glare his way and all I got in return was a snicker. Quickly after, Mabel snapped her fingers and a tall black and blue box appeared behind them.

Dipper quickly snuck another glance before speaking," Now ladies and gentlemen, for our first trick we are going to need a volunteer." Many girls rose their hands voluntarily with big, flirty smiles on their lips. I stayed quiet in my seat with a small smile on mine.

Dipper began to look around for a volunteer with a smirk, and his eyes met mine once more. My eyes widened, as he pointed at me, that's did I know he was gonna do that?

"You! With the (h/c) hair and mesmerizing (e/c) eyes." Dipper yelled, and everyone turned their gazes on me. A nervous smile formed its way on my mouth as my body stood up involuntarily.

Majority of the crowd cheered as I walked my way towards the stage, although I got a few hateful glares from jealous girls in the crowd. As I make my way up the stairs, he reaches his hand out toward me and I take it.

Dipper smiles at me,"So what's your name, my sweet volunteer?" He asks me.

"(Y/n)," I say with a smile.

Dipper grasped my hand and raised it as if I were a prize that has been won,"Everyone cheer for (y/n)! Our volunteer!" Dipper shouts to the crowd, and they explode with excitement.

"Now (y/n), I need you to step into that box right there," he says as he slowly pushes me toward the blue and black box.

An eager but nervous smile was upon my lips as Mabel opened the door and she whispers,"(Y/n), you'll be fine I promise." And she winks.

I step in the box, crossing my fingers I won't get hurt. "And now folks, with this trick we will take several blades and put them through the box without hitting her." Mabel announces and shuts the door.

I hear a quiet chant from behind me, and I turn. A small room suddenly appears, it has a few chairs covered in velvet and a dark purple color. Small, gold lanterns hung from the walls with a small glow that lit up the room. There were small black and gold tables next to the chairs.

It was quite cozy.

From behind me, I could hear several cheers for placing the first blade in place. It was poking in from the outside.

"When we're done, go back into the box between the blades. Be careful." A small whisper said. Looking around the room, I tried to see if anyone else was in here with me but there wasn't.

The second blade went in, where my head would have been, then the third, fourth, fifth and sixth. The sixth one was the last and I snuck my way through them without scratching myself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here we have our lovely volunteer, (y/n), still in one piece." Dipper announced to the crowd before opening the door.

Many gasps were heard as it opened, and I saw many surprised looks and a smile was planted on my lips.

Then Mabel began to speak," Now we're going to perform another trick with our dear (y/n)." She started taking out the blades and placing them on the side table.

"We are going to make her disappear!" Dipper finished with a smirk on his lips. My eyes widened as I glanced at him. His eyes met mine only for a second before winking at me.

"Okay, (y/n), stay in there and don't move." Mabel whispered to me before closing the door. I could hear a muffled one, two, three, outside of the box. My body felt tingly all over the place, and as a snap was heard, I appeared in a different room.

It looked like a dressing room, there was two mirrors, a couch next to a small fridge, a few chairs and a huge rug. As I began to look around the room, I could hear the crowd cheering once more. They must have opened the door.

After the cheering stopped, I could feel my body tingle once again. Within a few seconds, I was back in the box again. The small door opened, and the crowd cheered again. A hand appeared in front of me, helping me out of the box. Dipper smiled as I stepped out and Mabel shut the door behind me.

"You can go backstage if you want," Dipper whispered to me as the cheering faded.

He smiled again," Thank you (y/n) for volunteering," he said to me before turning to the crowd," Now everyone, I'm going to need another volunteer!" He shouted.

Multiple shouts could be heard from behind me, as Dipper looked out into the crowd of fans.

Mabel lead me toward the side of the stage and to the same dressing room I was in before," Make yourself comfortable, there's drinks and snacks in that small fridge over there." She said as she pointed to the fridge.

"Thanks Mabel," I said with a smile.

"No problem, (y/n). Also you can come backstage and watch the rest of the show if you want. Someone I know will be very happy if you do." She replied with a wink before exiting the dressing room.

I rolled my eyes with a giggle before walking over to the mini fridge. Opening it, I look through the many sodas and energy drinks and I grab a (f/d) before leaving.

I head to backstage, and continue to watch the rest of the show. Dipper had a volunteer with him who looked like a lovesick puppy. You could see her boyfriend in the crowd with a jealous look upon his face.

Dipper really could make any girl fall for his charms, maybe even me.....

Word count: 1210

Hello my lovelies!
Here's the update you've been waiting for and I'm sorry it's so short :/ but after all this waiting, here it is! Oh also thank you so much for 51k views and 1k likes!! And keep commenting, they make my day :) also do you guys like how this story is going? If not let me know plz

-Alexandra xoxo

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