Chapter 11: The Gleeful Gala - Part I

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A small smile made its way upon my lips, what had I gotten myself into?

(Y/n's) POV:

After he dropped me off, I quickly locked the front and ran up the stairs to my room. With my flowers in hand, a small smile was still placed on my lips. Quickly grabbing a vase from one of my boxes, I fill it up with water from my bathroom sink. I placed the vase full of flowers on top of my nightstand next to my bed.

A smile was still on my lips and it made me realize how excited I actually was for tomorrow. However, it was tomorrow and I had no idea what to wear. I might as well head over to Mabel's tomorrow to see if she had anything and I'll get ready there.

Checking the time, I realized it was almost eleven at night. If I wanted to get up tomorrow, I had better get ready for bed. I quickly grab out a pair of black running shorts and a big, (f/c) short sleeve shirt and change into them. After, I walk over to my bathroom down the hall and to finish getting ready for bed such as brushing my hair and teeth.

5 minutes later...

After returning to my room, I turn off the lights before grasping my phone only to realize there was a text from Dipper.

Dipper_Gleeful: goodnight beautiful :)

YourUsername: goodnight :)

My heart skipped a couple of beats when I replied to his text. I plug in my phone into the charging cord before placing it on my nightstand. I could not wait for tomorrow! I hop into my bed and pull the covers over my body.

[Time skip]

My alarm blared in my ear as I slowly woke up, it was around ten in the morning. Deciding to get up, I push my comforter and sheets away from me.

I slowly throw my legs over the side of my bed, and a yawn escapes my mouth. Walking over to my closet, I quickly grab a pair of shredded blue jeans and a black sweatshirt. Quickly, I change out of my pajamas and pull on my jeans, and my hoodie.

I grab a small bag from my closet and begin to fill it with things I might need. Like my makeup bag, brush, and many other things. (Whatever else you might need).

I pull on a pair of black Birkenstock's and snag my phone from my nightstand. Quickly I walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. I grab a water bottle from my fridge and my keys off the counter.

"Where are you going now, honey?" My dad asked as he walked into the kitchen. He had his laptop bag strewn over his shoulder and cup of coffee in his hand.

He looked like he was going to work yet his tie seemed crooked. Placing my stuff down, I walk over to him and start to redo it," I have a party tonight with my friends, Mabel wants me to come to her house to get ready." I reply

He chuckled as I fixed his tie," Now who are these new friends of yours?" He asked.

I finish tying it," The Gleeful twins, the ones who came to our house on the first day of school, remember them?" I replied.

"Ahhh the gleeful twins, I've heard a lot about them around town." My dad replied before taking a swig of his coffee.

He checks his watch," It seems I have to go to work, text me if you need anything okay?" My dad replied.

"I will if I need anything," I reply with a smile before giving him a side hug.

He hugs me back, "I'll see you later, sweetie." My dad replied before grabbing his keys and walking into the garage.

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