Chapter 7: The Visitor

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{Your update is here, hope you like it! And also should I start adding songs to the chapter? Please comment and vote for this chapter, let's get it to 200+ views! 😘 and sorry if it's a short chapter }

(Y/n's POV):


Oh, Mr. Gleeful....what did you just do? And my face begins to cover with blush...


Touching my lips, I could still feel the imprint of his lips there. W-why was Dipper in my room? He didn't like me...did he? Well, he probably does or maybe he's just like the rest of them.

I start to have second thoughts on why he was here only a few minutes ago. Then something happened that I didn't expect me to do......I smiled.

Dipper gleeful just kissed me?! He of all people went after me! A few butterflies exploded in my stomach which made me a little giddy. But I realized that I wanted him to come back....right next to me.

'But that's selfish thinking!' I scold myself. He hurt me earlier, I can't let him get into my head like that.

Some of the pillows fell from my hammock earlier and now we're on the floor. Must've been from when he left, or maybe myself. I pull the (f/c) blanket, that I had, around my shoulders. My hand subconsciously begins to touch the bruise or whatever from earlier. It's a little sore but I feel something in my mouth.

Maybe some of my salivae, and it falls onto my bottom lip. I wipe it off. I quickly try to grasp my phone on my bed without falling out of the hammock but I fail.

"Oomph...." I mumble out as I hit my bed. I'm so glad my blanket was around me, or my dress would've flown up. A couple of the pillows on my bed flew off and onto the floor.

I slowly curl out of the position I had fallen in, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would have. Grasping my phone, I pull up my messages and begin to scroll through them.

"Hehehe ..." I hear a quiet giggle behind me. Looking up with a curious look on my face, I look around my room. I don't see anything that wasn't supposed to be there. But in the corner of my eye, I see something in the window.

A brown mop of hair could be seen with some icy blue eyes.

"GLEEFUL!" I yell at my window. He moves up a little more with a smirk playing on his lips so I could part of his face.

His eyes widen as he notices that I see him. Beginning to duck down, I quickly run to the window. Dipper is right below my window and is balancing on nothing. Almost like he is levitating.

"Dipper..?" I ask in a questionable tone, seeing nothing beneath him. My hands grasped onto my windowsill as I looked over at him.

"Yes, (Y/n)?" He asks with a smirk playing upon his light-colored lips.

I could feel the heat on my cheeks, so they were a little red-stained.

"W-what are you doing?" I stutter, mentality smacking myself for being so nervous.

Dipper smirks a little more," What does it look like?" He asks rhetorically, gesturing to the ground.

"Y-you're...levitating!" I exclaim, glancing at the ground

"That's correct, my darling." Dipper replies, coming closer to the window. His hands place themselves onto my windowsill and were close to mine, almost on top of them.

"B-but how..?" I stutter, looking into his blue eyes.

Dipper looks back at me, "Hasn't Mabel already told you?" He replies with a tilt of his head.

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