Chapter 5: The Gleeful House

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I start to walk up their steps of the twin's mansion. Their mansion was huge! Peacocks were even on their lawn. Before walking up to the door, I look at the huge house. The house had big, tall windows surrounded by a grey colored brick a darker blackish colored roof. I quickly finish walking up their steps and knock a couple times.

A butler opens the door," Hello?" He asks.

"Hi I'm (y/n), is Mabel home?" I ask the butler. He nods before opening the door wider and ushering me in. The inside was beautiful. I could hear the butler clearing his throat.

I turn around to face him, I could actually see what he looked like. He was probably only a few years older than me and wore a black suit, with a red bow tie with a baseball cap placed on his head.

"My name is Soos, and you'll need to wait here, dude." He says before walking away. I keep quiet while I wait, I start to look around the room. The grand staircase in front of me, took up part of the foyer. I got caught up looking at the older grandfather clock while I waited.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I hear a deep voice behind me.

I smile,"Yes, yes it is," I say, oblivious to who was talking to me. They took into account that I was being oblivious while watching the little hand tick.

"Hi (y/n)," he says, walking in front of me. I look at him as my eyes widen before jumping away in fright.

"Ahh!" I whisper scream as I placed my hand over my chest. He almost gave me a heart attack.

"Did you not know that I was here?" He asks with a smirk.

"No, I didn't. Sorry," I say sheepishly, looking over at him as a light blush covered my cheeks . His blue eyes gaze into mine before he chuckles.

"Well I'd better get you to Mabel, she's been waiting for you," Dipper says before he started walking up the grand staircase. I quickly walk up next to him, walking up the grand staircase. I gaze towards Dipper before gazing down at the marble steps.

I'm guessing Dipper caught my gaze before saying," (y/n), I wanted to say sorry about today," he starts to apologize," I don't know what came over me," Dipper says, looking over at me.

My (e/c) eyes gaze into his, before responding," Its fine, it's starting to fade anyway. I just kind of want to know what happened to you," I explain, showing him the bruise.

I cover the mark up again with my hair before we finally got up to the top of the stairs. His eyes stayed glued on the bruise then he looked away.

He sighed," I can't really tell you, maybe Mabel can. I'm not the best at explaining," Dipper replied as we continued to walk up the steps.

"Then I'll ask her then, but where from here?" I ask," To Mabel's room?" I conclude.

Dipper looks at me," This way," he says before turning down the right hall. I quickly walk after him, and continued walking by his side. He stops in front of two French doors.

"Well this is Mabel's room, I'll let you two hang out. I don't want to intrude," Dipper explains before he starts to walk away. That was a little strange, why wouldn't he hang out with us? I thought to myself. He could if he wanted to, I wouldn't mind.

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