Chapter 8: Before the Show

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"Bye cutie," he said before disappearing out the window.

A smile began to form onto my lips before I fell onto my bed....

(Y/n)'s POV:

Getting up off my bed, I saw something shiny in the corner of my eye. My nerves were still a little all over the place as I stood up. I look over at the windowsill, which Gleeful recently climbed out of.

A small ticket was taped to the window sill, with a VIP badge next to it. I picked up the small piece of paper off the window sill and held the badge with the other hand. It read The Gleeful Twins at the Tent of Telepathy; 2:00 pm, Saturday.

The small piece of paper read," Hope you come, cutie ;)"

Hmmm...that's tomorrow..

Was this the show he mentioned? Might as well go. I thought to myself with a smile on my lips.

I held the ticket to my chest with a excited smile before placing it on the nightstand next to my phone.

Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I heard a voice, "(Y/n)?!" A voice called from downstairs, it was your dad.

"Yeah?" I yelled back, waking closer to the door while placing my phone in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Dinner's ready!" He yelled back, and I quickly ran down the hall. I began to slide down the railing next to the stairs, and hop off at the end. A clicking tongue sound comes from my mouth as I pop into the kitchen.

Dad was making spaghetti with meatballs. (If you don't like it, pretend that you do.) "How was hanging out with your friends?" He asked, as he kept stirring the noodles.

"Oh it was good, I got to check out the town a little bit." I said before I began playing on my phone.

"Sounds fun, I'm glad you're making some friends. Are you hungry?" .My dad said, turning around to face me.

"No, Mabel showed me a restaurant in town so we ate there for dinner." I replied, looking up at my dad. I began to scroll through my Instagram feed, being the most basic person ever. When I finished, I looked back up at him while he enjoyed the spaghetti.

A smirk danced on my lips as I thought of an idea, I hopped out of my chair and stole one of the meatballs from his plate. "Thanks dad!" I yelled from the stairs as I ran away before plopping the meatball in my mouth.

"I thought you said you weren't hungry?" he yelled after me.

Turning around, I yell back," If it involves meatballs, I'll always be hungry!" And a giggle comes from my mouth as I finish up the stairs. Making my way into my room, a little buzz comes from my back pocket. It was Mabel.


So how's my smitten best friend?


Smitten? What's that supposed to mean?

I chuckled as I replied back.


Oh, maybe a picture will answer your question ;)

Oh no....

A picture popped up in my messages, it was taken from my doorway. No way, Mabel was being a stalker alright. It was an image of Dipper and I kissing in my room, his arms were wrapped around my waist as mine were around his neck. (I'm pretty sure you can imagine this). I could feel the blush rising in my cheeks as I gazed at the picture before saving it to my photos.

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