Chapter 12: The Gleeful Gala Part II

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Sorry this took so long, also thank you for 100k views on this story! Keep it up! Now onto the story..


"Welcome the Gleeful Twins and their plus 1, (y/n)!" shouted one of the butlers who worked at the mansion. And we began to ascend the stairs...the party was about to begin.

(Y/N)'s POV:

After we ascended the grand staircase in the main room, many people began to crowd the two siblings. They both still had their arms linked through mine which meant I had to stay there and listen to the boring conversations.

Dipper noticed that I was becoming bored and whispered in my ear," Would you like to go get a drink over there?" He said with a tilt of his head towards the tables nearby. They were filled with trays of finger foods, and glasses filled with many different types of drinks.

I quietly nodded, before he escorted me away from the crowd of people. Mabel stayed there, still chatting.

Dipper's arm was still looped through mine as we walked towards the tables. He picks up two drinks filled with a bubbling drink and hands me one in a glass cup.

With a confused look on my face, I take a look at it," Don't worry it's not alcohol, it's just sparkling cider," Dipper says with a smirk, "Unless you want it to be," he finished with a chuckle.

Before taking a sip I reply," I see what you're trying to do. Don't even think about it," I say as my lips curved into a smirk and I take a sip of the drink.

It turned out to be sparkling cider, and it tasted good in my mouth. We both take a few sips of the drink until it was finished.

"You really think I'm that kind of person? I'm offended." Dipper replied before placing his cup on the table.

"Well... I don't know, I'm still getting to know you," I tease with a smirk on my lips.

"Well hopefully that'll change quickly," Dipper replied before wrapping an arm around my waist as we began to walk away from the table. I could feel my face heat up as his arm is wrapped around my waist.

I roll my eyes in reply as we began to walk together through the crowded ballroom. Many eyes were on us, some jealous of me. Mabel has seemed to be done talking near the edge of the stairs, but she had someone next to her with white hair.

His arm was wrapped around her waist as they finished their conversation with other people. Mabel's eyes made her way to us, and a smile crept on her lips. They excused themselves before walking over to meet us in the middle of the ballroom floor.

Mabel's smile grew bigger as they got closer," I want to introduce you two to my date, his name is Gideon." She said before looking over at him.

He smiled back before reaching out his arm toward us," hi, I'm Gideon pines. It's a pleasure to meet you two!" Gideon said with an enthusiastic tone.

I shook his hand before I replied," It's nice to meet you as well. I'm (y/n) (l/n), and this is-" I said before I was cut off by Dipper.

"I'm Dipper Gleeful, her boyfriend. And I'm also Mabel's twin brother." He replied before shaking Gideon's hand.

I quickly glare at Dipper and he smirked in response. Mabel giggles before she replied," Well I'm glad we've made acquainted with each other but the next dance starts in just a minute, you two should join us," she says with a smile.

Before I could say anything, Dipper replies," We'll join you." He said before looking at me.

Mabel's face lights up," Alright! I'll see you two on the dance floor! Come on cutie, let's go!" She said before she and Gideon walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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