77 Notes of Lucifer [Proulogue]

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OKAY FIRST CHAP!!! sorry for my bad writing skills since its a start but hope you guys can enjoy it!

But first:

Name: Anna Walker [you'll find out her real name later]

Age: 16

Appearance: Normal figure, small bust, black long hair [waist length], brown eyes


Looking back at my previous life I realised that there really was no reason to live.

I could vaguely remember the warm smile my fellow schoolmates would give me when I won some journalism competitions. The honor, the fame, the money... None of those really mattered. All I wanted was the love. The only thing I was desperate for was the love of my family, for them not to think of me useless. but for so long was I blinded by that love that I couldn't see what disgusting, unfair monsters hid under the skin, and the only way I figured that out... Was with the help of the Devil...

I winced as the pain on my head returned but regardless, smiled from ear to ear. I pitied myself for being so weak. My mind wandered unto the people who placed me here... In this cage...  A cage where I would dance and dance for them and be deafened by their annoying laughter. 

My step-mother, step-father, Rebecca, Olivia, Mary, Ene and all the others. All because of them. That day. The horrible memories would haunt me but I didn't regret any of them. Besides,  It was my escape. And it was the reason I met him... My savior...

~3 months ago, August 13~

 "Anna! Time to wake up darlin'!" I high pitched southern accent  voice screeched. 

 i felt my blanket swiped from above me, making the light hit my eyes as I opened them. "Ugh... It's four o'clock in the morning maria..." I groaned and tried to close my eyes and sleep again. Maria tongue clicked. "Now you get up this instant young lady! ya'll have this journalism fieldtrip today right?" She said and skipped towards the blinds and yanked them open.

 "Can't I just follow them there?" I groaned again licking my dry lips. Maria bye the way was our helper at home, she was very clumsy and she was forbidden to go into the kitchen. she loved to impersonate southern accents and she actually looked like she was from texas. Tan skin, green eyes and her hair was curly and short.

 "Nope! today's the biggest day of your life! being invited to the NWM and all that." She said and pulled me out of bed and began to push me towards the bathroom. "Now get yourself cleaned stat!" she added and with that she slammed the door on my face.

I sighed. "Well that escaleted quickly..." I lazily removed my clothes and subconsiously proceeded with the normal shower proceedures. Just incase your wondering, my name is Anna Walker. Well that was my new last name. You see... My real parents were said to have died in a strange incident were in they where found within a body of an anaconda that is now inside the national zoo. I was placed into a foster home and soon had been adopted into the walker family, with my mom Victoria Walker and my dad Ben Walker. I never called them mom or dad once... Anyway after a few school changes -due to reasons I will explain later- I was finally befriended by the most popular girl in school Rebecca Kristopher. Daughter of the famous writer Allen Kristopher, she is the leader of the journalism club in my school Maple tree academy. 

After a few competitions I finally landed first place in feature writing. I won about 70,000 dollars for it and was Rebecca's right hand girl in the club. We were then invited to go to stay in the national writing  museum -since there was a hotel there- or NWM. And today's the day we meet the all time famous writer Drake Klein!!! I'm so excited!!!

I quickly dried myself up and put on my normal clothes. Leg warmers, Writing T-shirt and a mini skirt. My T-shirt had the print 'Gummy bears for the win!' since I loved gummy bears. I took a flashlight, notebook, pencil case. video cam and journ cap then stuffed them into my bag.

"Victoria, Ben I'm off!!!" I shouted as I walked towards the door. I heard a distant 'Good luck honey!' and a 'good luck dear!' from my step-parents in the distant. I took a breath of fresh air and proceeded to walk down the road to my school where the bus would pick us up.



lol nevermind i write cause I like to and if you dont like my writing its fine!!!

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77 Notes of LuciusWhere stories live. Discover now