Chapter 12: Beginning the first fight

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Kk guys I'm gonna try to get as much coverage as I can in this chapter. At first Anna's really REALLY OOC here but it will be explained later.


 It was about 3 hours until dinner time- or so my uncle says. 

After being sent by my father Micheal, the great archangel I've hidden my angel scent and appearance from some of the dead souls that seek revenge on Heavens court.

I walked carefully down the candle lit hallways, passing rare novels and paintings; some of which were catching my attention.... No... My mission was not to admire these works of humans but to find the human who has been letting out a strong evil prescence.

"Oh Kiyan!!!" 

I cringed as I heard the voice. Olivia stellar... As I turned around I saw what her aura was, a shade of indigo. She has been with many male humans if you ask me. How I know this? Well... Humans each have their own aura -which is classified by color- The hue represents your contact with other humans while the shade represents how long you've left to live, reapers use that to their advantage.

"Why hello Ms. Stellar..." I greeted as politely as I could. She gave me a large smile and crossed her arms; making her chest appear bigger.

"I was looking all over for you, Kiyan..." She ran her hands over my chest. Disgusting... "And I was wondering... If you wanted to spend some alone  time with me"

Oh heavens above she is annoying! I opened my mouth to say something when a blue flash bumped Olivia.

"Olivia!!!" I turned my head slightly to see Ene. Her arms were flailing and she was staring at her with a warning look. "You can't just hit on Drakes nephew like that!!!"

"I'm right here..."  I thought.

My eyes widened when I saw Ene's aura. It was a shade of Dirty white. which meant that she was going to die soon.

"But that makes no sense... She perfectly healthy and yet"  My eyes widened in realization "Unless it's the human with a demon contract... It could be him...

"Forgive those two" A voice startled me "The're not right in the head at the moment..."

Turning around I saw her... That girl again, Anna Avelon. Her long black hair looked much smoother and darker and her eyes were brighter then a while ago, a small red uniform was worn across her body. Any male human would now fall dead at her appearance. Even I was faltered slightly.

But this was not an appearance of a normal human girl.

My eyes narrowed "Don't mention it, Anna..." she gave me a slight smile and went over to the other two and told them something. 

I gasped silently as I watched her aura. Red and Black... How could I not noticed? That was an aura of a devil. I had to act before she killed Ene, but I couldn't do anything at the moment with all of us in the same area.

I snapped back to reality to see Ene and Olivia's eyes wide at Anna. "You look amazing Anna!!" Olivia exclaimed while Ene just scowled.

I stared at her, waiting for an answer to that saying.

"Huh? It's just same old me!" she smiled and reached into her bag. "Anyways Drake says you and Kiyan should go eat... I need to talk to Ene about some matters..."

She was luring us out so she could make her move. "And what matters may that be?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Just something about Drake..." She smiled back. That seemed to catch Ene's attention because she turned red and glared at Anna. "Sure... We've got some matters to talk about..." Ene's eyes darkened as she said that.

"I'll be off then" Olivia smiled and winked at me "See you later Kiyan..." And with that she left.

"Drake is asking for you too Kiyan..." Anna smiled a little too nicely at me. I stared at her and Ene... If I left she would surely end Ene's life, but I couldn't just kill Anna in front of Ene... That would be a sin...

"Ene..." I called and she turned to me "I'm pretty sure you can talk after dinner... You wouldn't want to keep my uncle waiting..."

Ene's eyes widened and she turned to glare at Anna "We'll deal with this later..." she hissed then ran out the door. I turned my gaze to Anna... Who was smirking at me.

"Son of Micheal... What is your game?" My eyes widened at her words. I let out some of my pure aura, showing her I am not just some regular angel.

"I am here to destroy you..." I said in a strong voice.

Anna's aura turned fierce, making my aura look puny in comparison. I gasped when she moved forward to push me against a wall. I heard the hissing of snakes around me as the room darkened "Such a young angel... I might not be able to hold me powers to obliterate you..."

I glared at her. It was true, I was a newborn angel who didn't know much about fighting... But I could always call him for help...

I mentally hit myself "I can't back out now..." 

Putting as much aura as possible I stared her down "Don't underestimate me you demoness..."

She backed away and sneered. "Isn't it a sin to hurt humans?" I stared confused as she said that. "I'm nothing but a human... You can even try to kill me and we'll see what your council has to say about your actions Neveah"

I flinched. Her voice had a double tone... As if... She wasn't the one speaking my name.

A dark red fire formed in her hands, Devil fire. Her eyes turned crimson and she walked towards. I felt helpless; this girl was a monster. But I knew this wasn't her... Something was making her do this... I closed my eyes waiting for my life to end when...

"If you didn't have such a big ego... You would have called for me little brother" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up to see my brother Accelerator, struggling to hold against Anna's fire.  "Heh... Fiesty brat you've g-got here" he struggled. My brother had the same White hair as me except he had neon pink eyes and an angels coat, which just looked like a worn out fur coat.

As much as I wanted to say I could handle myself... I really was glad he was here...

Anna looked fairly bored at him "Accelerator Neveah... The tainted Angel who has once killed an innocent human,,," 

My brother winced at this, but smirked psychotically. "And you must be Anna Avelon..." He moved his face closer to hers "You smell like Devil..." his hands went to touch her face and his smirk widened.

Anna flinched and for a moment, her eyes faltered and turned black but soon flashed back to Red "Black before white, white before red..." she hissed.

The world around us faded. Everything turned black and sudden yellow threads fell from the ceilings, glowing in a eerily gold tint. The once rare books became pillars of Obsidian and black snaked surrounded me and my elder brother.

My brother took a fighting stance as she jumped back, blood red aura surrounding her. I took a stance besides him. 

I could here the spirits of the dead moaning and reaching their bloody and bony arms out from the ground behind her. Suddenly arms wrapped around Anna and I saw a glimpse of piercing yellow eyes.

"Ready brother?" Accelerator whispered as I nodded. Her arms moved and soon I saw a silhouette of a large sythe in her hands. 

"Welcome to the interior of my womb..."


Next chapter is going to be what happened to Anna before this!

Thanks for all the reads guys

Vote,comment and if you will please fan?

See you later guys 

luv ya!

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