Chapter 13: The 12th note, a mysterious person

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Hello guys!! Thank you for supporting this story!!! We still have quite a long way to go but I hope that this first story of mine isn't going to be a downer!- Anyways enjoy! <3 AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


[Anna's POV] 

-5 hours earlier-

 As I walked through the halls my mind pondered. What is happening to me? I'm turning insane... 

 The urge to kill grew larger and larger as seconds passed. My palms dried and my lips were swollen, it was as if I needed blood to be shed unto them. 

I found myself walking towards the dining hall to get something to eat... But suddenly my surroundings darkened and I found Mr. Bounty hunter sneering in front of me.

"What do you want!" I snapped. HE was the reason I was insane; the reason to why I wanted to kill.

He chuckled and placed a finger under my chin and lifted it up. "Dear Anna... You didn't expect me to leave you to those... pure, insignificant angels did you?" he made a slight face at the mention of the angels.

I stared at him. "What do you mean?" 

He sighed and moved away from me, an involuntary whine escaped from my lips causing me to cover my mouth in shock. He smirked "See? You belong to me even if your mind refuses your heart and body wants me... And that leaves my scent on you... Which technically means you're a threat to the angels" 

I shook my head trying to rid of the embarrassment and asked a different question. "Even if you're a bounty hunter... Why do they hate you THAT much?" 

He smirked again and handed me an old worn out book.

Lucius' diary...

Its been a long time since I read it. Moving gingerly I took it from Kuroha's cold hands and opened it. The next notes were very short...But at the same time confusing.

Note 8: ?????????

I don't know what date it is but all I know is one of the angels Micheal had sent me to the human world to start a new life... This new body... I hate it...

Note 9: ?????????

Girls like me for this body? HA! I'd rather rot in heaven then give them any attention... If only they knew what I was going through...

Note 10: ?????????

My mind is being eaten out... I'm forgetting everything that happened before I was cursed with this body. I'm afraid that I soon might become an actual human.

Note 11:?????????



Note 12: ?????????

I met him. Yesterday I ruined the page because of him... He suddenly appeared in my room and told me that I could return to becoming a bounty hunter. He has told me about a girl named Anna, he says he wants nothing more than simply for her to be in his arms again- disgusting... Though he seemed as strong as the Devil himself when I saw him. Maybe even stronger? I don't know... I just need to find this Anna girl and get it over with... That way I can become bounty hunter again and take revenge upon that horrid Micheal. 

I dropped the diary and stared up at Kuroha's amused expression. "So your just using me for this... guy? Who is he? Is that what your goal is?" 

Kuroha's eyes narrowed. "It is what I planned to do... But at this rate" his arm slithered around my waist and pulled myself to him "I think I want you all to myself..." his smile was blinding. 

 I tried to push him away but to no avail. I was still curious about the guy who talked to him for me... "What else did he say?" I asked narrowing my eyes at Kuroha.

 He laughed the terrifying laugh I hated so much. "He told me... To make you one of us" 

And the last thing I felt was pain and I was engulfed into darkness...


Sorry if it's short!!! I wanted to get back to writing the next chapter.... So in this chapter it appears that Kuroha has made our dear anna into a Devil... But who is this mystery person?

Anyways Vote, comment and fan please!!!! 


77 Notes of LuciusWhere stories live. Discover now