Chapter 5: Answers: Real or fake?

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I jumped down the door again and closed the door behind me.

"Here goes nothing..."  I took a deep breath -which I've been doing a lot today- and sat down on the mattress, after getting as cozy as I could possibly be I took out the diary. My eyes wandered a bit around me, stacks of paper everywhere somehow made me claustrophobic. I sighed and opened the second page of Lucius' diary.

Note 2: December 13, 1990

 Dear Diary,

 Strange things have been happening to me ever since I started to write on this diary. I would have hallucinations of ghosts and monsters around me whenever I went out of the basement, so I locked myself in. It would be hard for me since I will not be able to get food anymore but I'm desperate to get those hallucinations away. Sister went with mother today and Brother is studying at school. I despise them...All of them. My sister was slowly turning into mom with the expensive dresses and the parties in her room. I hate parties... Father got drunk once in a party somewhere and came back with an axe in his hand, wanting to kill me. Sister was the only one who even bothered to call the police. To be honest I'm pretty sure everyone except sister wants me dead... But I'm never going to die that easily...

I narrowed my eyes at the diary. Lucius seemed to have hallucinations about stuff that didn't even exist! I could just imagine a young boy telling his mother about seeing something but the mother would just say calmly "It's just your imagination son". But it said that is Hallucinations only started when he started to write in his diary. I was still curious of what else happened to him so I turned to the third page -since Lucius didn't seem to write on the back of the pages- and read in silence.

Note 3: December 14, 1990

Dear Diary,

 My stomach can't take it anymore!!! The pain is unbearable, its like I'm eating my own insides out of hunger. I needed to get outside but how? I locked the door from the outside and only someone on the outside could open it! Do they expect me to find another way? 

Wait.. I hear something, it sounds like... Slithering? Like a loud slithering and thumping. The door is open!? Mother said there was once a snake in the house but they killed it. And the slithering was definitely a snake and not something else I could tell, anyway I think I should go get food and as fast as I can before the hallucinations come back. But I'm starting to come to the conclusion that those were not just hallucinations...

My eyes widened, could it be true that he had heard the snake too? Come to think of it, the snake seemed to have guided me to the dinner room. My suspicion was already over the top. Was this a story or not? I really needed to ask Drake about this but I knew that since I found this in the basement, I would probably get my friends sucked into this too... "Just one more page..." I pushed turning to the Fourth Page of the diary.

Note 4: December 15,1990

 Remember the snake sound yesterday? Yeah... It really was a snake, and his name was Kuroha. He has the ability to turn into a human boy that was in his mid seventeens. I called him when I was in the kitchen and he magically appeared. I thought he was another hallucination when my sister suddenly saw him, but he knocked her out and somehow took away her memories. He had strange gold eyes and was in all black. He told me he was a bounty hunter of the Devil and told me I was his son. Hard to believe right? but I craved for the power, to take revenge on my horrible family. Then I would become everyone's favorite!

I stared at the diary for a while then bursted out laughing. Now I knew this was just a story... I mean the Devils bounty hunter? Son of Satan? Come on... Even a five year old wouldn't fall for that. And yet... Deep inside of me I believed  it. I stood up and shoved the notebook in my bag, it was time to hunt down a specific snake. Imaginary or not...


THanks for reading? Anyway... Coment,vote or even fan? LATER!!!

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