Chapter 19: Freedom or Trap?

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{Hikari's POV}

 [A/N dun dun dun...]

 Have you ever experienced having a mosquito fly by your ear making you flinch like a mad man?

 If you haven't then let me tell you it isn't a joyful or memorable moment.

 Now if you have experienced it, imagine it's happening to you right now...

 Except with a million buzzing sounds surrounding your entire body

 As I lay unmoving on what had felt like a marble floor the buzzing around me seemed to grow louder with each passing second. My muscles however didn't seem to be functioning so the flinch part was left out.

 Where was I?

 How did I get here?

 Where was everyone?

 A migraine crushed my brain as I attempted to find answers. It was like crossing your eyes for too long and feeling unbelievably drowsy and dizzy as you held the muscle in your eyes.

 Slowly my life was relayed to me. My mother and father smiling brightly, me studying hard to impress them, me going unto the stage and receiving a gold medal, My cousin Anna writing a story while chatting to me on facebook, her winning the journalism competition...

 The museum...

 Fragments of my memories were placed together like pieces of a puzzle. Tears were brought to my eyes as I remembered what happened to my mother.

 The man on the phone that day seemed so casual as he spoke words no one wished to ever hear "I really don't how to say this Ms. Yuzuki so I'll give it to you straight, your mother has died in a terrible homicide incident and your father is here dealing with her funeral arrangements so he has ordered you to stay with your cousin at the NWM, I'm very sorry for your loss ma'am. Good day"

 At first I didn't know how to react, all my emotions were drained from my body as I heard the news. Soon enough I was crying my eyes out in the limousine which was heading to the NWM.

 Anna was so different when I got there, she seemed drained of energy, confused and worried. Nothing like the Anna who wrote stories with eyes that always glittered with curiosity.

 As my memories came back the buzzing sound decreased as a small piece of paper came into view. My hand shook in numbness as I reached for it, the writing on the paper was rushed but was still readable.

 Note 17: ???????? She questions her sanity whenever she sees me, thinking that everything is just a dream and she would wake up laughing at herself for imagining something so insane. How naive.

 Note 18: ???????? She wishes for a place of peace, a sanctuary that will never be real. Reality is a fragile thing, it is like a fabric, weaved together by a persons belief and thoughts... Yet overlaps each other making it harder to find the needle that holds the future of thoughts.

 Note 19: ???????? She will never find true freedom, there is no correct path to survive this trial, mankind is looks for freedom even though they have the ability to do whatever they want. The seven deadly sins are placed unto this trial, the trump card will become the Jester.

 The more I read the more confused I became. Was I always so unaware of the situation? Was this an unbelievably important piece of paper yet I didn't know what to make of it? My eyes widened as the words seemed to move, forming another paragraph that my eyes could barely grasp.

 Note 20: ???????? He thinks I dance across his palm, that I wrap myself around his index finger and let him point my future. Reality is truly a fragile fabric, something so easily torn cannot be weaved repeatedly. These closed spaces will be broken down and then true freedom will be displayed, open for those who see it... Dear Hikari, you've been dragged into the game where everything is never as it seems. You must find the angels and learn the truth...

 20 more days until the time of freedom.

 This writing, I knew it too well, it was Anna's writing. Whatever is happening seems to be about the fate of reality itself.

 'Never as it seems' caught my attention. Even though it has no connection to the current situation... Could my mother still be alive?

 I heard footsteps coming in my direction. My heart beat sped up as I heard a voice giggle in the opposite direction of the footsteps.

"Black before white, white before red"


Hello I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,

The plot is beggining to form and I assure you guys I'll try my best. Also after this story is finished I think I'm going to edit it and make it better.

Please comment, vote and Fan~

Until next time, little bounty hunters


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