Chapter 18: You can't spell Slaughter without Laughter

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{3rd persons POV}


 Anna stared blankly at her warm hand, it felt smoother than usual. Her dull eyes stared at her numb hand, smothered in white blur. The more she stared, the clearer it became. Instead of a blur she saw liquid, yet she knew it was still unclear, for the blur was too thick to be water.

 A familiar voice echoed in her head "I love you..."

 Her eyes widened, tears emerged from them making them clearer. On her hand wasn't water, or a magic blur...

 It was blood.

 Her senses returned, she smelled the horrible salty odor of blood shed across her shirt, she felt the disgustingly thick texture of it and what she saw, was the bodies of her friends scattered across the floor.

 Rebecca and the others laid lifeless across the floor, their eyes stared at nothing, some punctured with large metal bars, some seemed simply strangled to death. Anna silently stood in the middle, her pair of converse was now soaked in the blood of her friends.

 "I wonder how will she react?" A childish girl voice giggled from behind, Anna didn't flinch, she didn't even blink.

 Another voice spoke, a more mature male voice "Who cares? I don't understand why he wanted a stupid human like her anyway"

 A sneering male voice answered "You saw what she did, she has potential, this one" Anna hung her head lower, her black bangs covering her eyes.

 Seductivity bathed the second female voice "She has a great body too... I wonder if he could share~"


 All attention was on Anna, her angry frown turned into a Cheshire grin. Her eyes were wide and strained, they stared at the blood covering her hand.

 "Ha...ha...hahaha...." Anna clenched her fists and started to laugh insanely. She had lost all humanity inside, all she felt was pain and insanity... And the worst part?

 She craved for more.

 Her voice became nothing but demonic as she have the figures behind her a glance. "Who are you" Her smile suddenly turning serious, her voice deepened.

The childish voice giggled "She's the one isn't she..." and the mature one responded "She acts like a Malkavian, yet she holds the death aura"

 Anna turned her eyes to the entrance, were Olivia laid all cut up on the entrance. She spotted two flapping wings headed their way, her serious expression turned curious in a flash.

 The sneering voice chuckled "She seems to have multiple personalities like a Malkavian"

 The figures acted like Anna was a new experiment, studying her movements and her attitude. The flying figures were coming closer, making the seductive voice speak up.

 "We need to bring her back" she said, accompanied by a sound of warping. "Those hotties are getting closer~"

 Anna laughed again, and turned around with a closed eye smile. She had really lost it, someone had taken her sanity and hid it away. For now or maybe permanently she was going to be like this, the insane girl who seemingly killed all her friends except the missing Hikari.

 The final clash between Angels and Devils was approaching, and Anna was, as Kuroha put it...

 The ultimate trump card.

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