Chapter 2: Meeting Drake Klein

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hey guys!!!! I'm writing!!!! Alalalalalala Sorry for crappy writing skills


 "Anna... Wake up..." I heard Rebecca whisper and shake me softly. I groaned and turned around "Just five more minutes...." I yawned and she laughed but handed me my bag. "Were here sleepy head!" she laughed once more as I sprang out of my seat like a jack-in-the-box.

I looked out my window to see a perfect lean ancient looking building. With pillars, scriptures and the entrance was huuugggee. I grabbed my cam and started to record as we went out the bus, it smelled like rain outside but the tree breeze made it natural. 

"Ugh... Philip called again..." Rebecca scowled as she held her phone. "Maybe he just misses you doll" Olivia mused in a southern accent.

Philip Green is the leader of the football team and was Rebecca's ex boyfriend. he didn't cheat on her or anything... He just played a cruel prank last Halloween by putting a fake spider in her bag and when she went to get her lipstick she screamed in front of the whole student body. After that she broke up with Philip but he still calls every now and then to say sorry.

"Misses me? ha! that betrayer is probably making out with another girl right now!" Rebecca's words were filled with poison. As if on cue, her cellphone had beeped again signaling a call but with a sour face she rejected it and put it back in her bag. I chuckled silently and put down my camera as we stepped unto the marble entrance of the museum. 

The lighting was amazing. There were chandeliers hanging of the ceiling and styled torches on each side of the walls that illuminated some old books in glass casing. Most of our members ooh'ed and ahh'ed at the amazing sight while I couldn't get a word out of my mouth. After a while of appreciative gasps, a deep chuckle was heard from down the hallway. "Welcome young writers to the National writing museum" The voice said. I turned to see a man in his mid twenties with rich brown hair and sea foam eyes. Even at an instant from seeing his rough hands, I knew who he was... Drake Klein, the most famous writer in the world.

I could almost feel Ene's excitement from beside me as the famous writer approached us. "I presume you are the special guests we will be taking in today?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. Rebecca immediately attempted to respond but it came out flabbergasted. After a deep breath, she finally responded "Yes sir! My name is Rebecca Kristopher, its a pleasure to meet you!" she flashed a smile then reached a hand out which Drake reluctantly took. "Daughter of my colleague? The famous Allen Kristopher? Pleasure seeing you here!" His smile grew wide as he shook her hand. 

I heard about the connection between the two. Drake and Allen meet at college as they were put in the same class, Drake was never suspected to be a good writer until he showed a book to his teacher that was called 'The Devil's curse' which came out as the worlds number one book. The strange thing was that Drake never had any other better books than that, he would say it had been a one time thing that was dedicated to his brothers death. But even so, none other books had surpassed 'The Devil's curse' that even after a decade it had still took the best book award of 2013.

I felt someone nudge me. "Drake's so hot isn't he..." Ene mused staring at Drake lustfully. I rolled my eyes, Drake was handsome but he still was an average looking guy. If he had not been a famous writer you could pass by him without a single glance at the grocery shop. I sighed, Drake started to show us the way to our rooms -strange thing that they actually had room in a museum- and on the way he gave us a short tour of the place.

"That section over there is the art category and on the other side is the editorial writing category" Drake smiled pointing to the two corridors that led down the corridor. This caught Mary's attention and she mumbled something about having to take a look later. We walked through the News,Sports and feature rooms until we were escorted into a small suite at the end of the hallway. "This is where you will be staying..." He smiled again and opened the door. The Suite was beautiful, there were four red couches in front of a large 50cm TV, there were about 9 rooms and two bathrooms plus a fully functional kitchen. The interior design was vintage styled with mostly wooden furniture and an oaky smell. "Do you like it?" Drake asked glancing at us. "L-like it? WE LOVE IT RIGHT GUYS??" Olivia shouted and turned to us which most of us shouted loud responses but I just simply nodded. We then started to pick rooms -I picked the one on the attic- and unpacked.

Every thing was going fine except the only thing that made me suspicious was the strange door that seemed to go down into a basement. Drake explained how that was just an old storage room but firmly and scarily ordered us not to go down there. Olivia texted me from her room saying there was going to be a party tonight, I smiled slightly and took out my notebook and pen which I put in my shoulder bag and headed downstairs for the party.



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