Chapter 1. New Beginings [Edited]

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A/N: Hello! This book was completed on December 25, 2016 but as of right now, August 29, 2017, is going under grammatical editing. I will be changing nothing about the story except for grammatical errors and typos to make the story easier to understand. So if this is your first time reading then I hope you enjoy! And if you're returning to read again, also enjoy!

-Your P.O.V-

"Too many damn boxes. . ."

You spoke quietly to yourself as you took a look around your new apartment room. The room was of decent size but looked small with the items stuffed inside of it. The floor was littered with boxes of all sizes. Some open and void of things while others lay completely full and taunting you.

You had just moved to Japan from your hometown in (Location of Choice). You had moved as a part of an exchange student program from your old school and would be staying for a while. It had been about three days since you arrived in Japan but you were exhausted from the process of traveling and hadn't gotten much done. You lifted a hand and gently brushed your fingers through your (Hair Color) colored hair with a sigh coming from your lips. Taking a few steps further into your cramped apartment, you found yourself rummaging through one of the boxes that lay beside your bed. You pulled out some of your clothing, placing them in your dresser.

A knock on your door broke the silence that had fallen over your room as you looked up towards the door and groaned slightly, pushing yourself off of your knees and standing up, walking over towards the door. You reached a (Skin Tone) hand towards the doorknob, turning it and opening it slowly.

A tall female with long, fuchsia hair stood in your doorway. Her bright green eyes scanned you for a moment as she placed a smile across her lips. You gave the woman a questioning look as you shifted your weight to your left foot. The woman seemed to realize she was staring at you, judging by her sudden jolt as she laughed nervously and reached a hand up to scratch the back of her head.

"Oh sorry about that. Heh."

"No. . It's alright."

The woman smiled and held her other hand out to you after straightening her posture slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Emi Yusa. You can call me Emi by the way. I live a few doors down and just wanted to say hello."

You gave the girl a slight nod and reached your hand out to shake hers with a smile on your face.

"It's nice to meet you, Emi. I'm ____ _____. Thanks for the welcome. I just moved here from (Location)."

"Ah that's cool. Well like I said, it's great to meet you. I hope we can get to know each other better."

"Yeah. Indeed."

The woman nodded and turned around with a slight wave, walking down the hallway and towards what you assumed was most likely her apartment. With a small sigh you shut the door and turned to look at the large mess of boxes that still sat on the floor of your room, taunting you still. You let out an annoyed sigh and walked over to them to finish unpacking you stuff.

-Time Skip-

With a groan of annoyance you forced your eyes open and sat up on your bed, looking around your half neat apartment. You had finished unpacking most of your things and had decided to continue tomorrow and call it a night. Well now it was tomorrow and you still had to finish.  You rolled yourself half heartedly out of bed and sat up, looking out your window and smiling to yourself. You stood up and walked over to your last few boxes, took out the contents of each, and put them in their places. After a while you were fully done unpacking. You decided to head out to the nearby store and grab a few groceries for lunch and dinner.

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