Chapter 13. Chaos

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This chapter starts off a tad slow but moves quickly once it starts. Just a heads up as well that I do make a point of there being blood or descriptions of blood in this chapter. It's not too in depth but there is some. Just to let you know.  This will most likely be my longest chapter so far in this story. I have not figured out how long I'm making this story, Chapter wise, but I might go to Chapter 20. But even though that seems like a short bit away, remember how damn long I make my chapters. Now enough of my rambling and onto what you came here for! Chapter 13!!

-Your P.O.V-

'What the hell is going on here?!'

That was the only thought running through your head at the moment. You couldn't make sense of what was going on before you. It was all just so damn confusing. You watched as them assume being took a step towards you. You shrank back, trying to twist your body away from him. He stopped and oddly had a slightly hurt look upon his face. You narrowed your eye in an attempt to look threatening. The creature have a slight laugh and turned towards Emi. You were about to cry out but she turned to you and smiled slightly.

"Don't freak out, _______. It's Maou."

She continued to smile as though she hadn't just fried your small brain to a crisp. Your mouth fell open as you stated at the creature..*Cough* err Maou. You nodded slowly and leaned your head up, trying to figure out how your friends were actually all these beings before you. It was just weird to say the least. You hadn't realized it but during your mind processing this information at the speed of a dead snail, Maou and your capture, had been conversing. You tried to listen but found to be in the same odd language you'd heard before hand.

"Ih jeepj de donh egek zope ho an avkeepenh."

"Ih ammeakj so."

Your felt a sudden hand on your shoulder which dragged you out of your thoughts. You yelped slightly and turned your head to see Urushihara staring at you. You bit your lip and looked over to the two others. A sudden blast of light startled you as your eyes widened.

"What the. . . . "

Urushihara looked at you, his hand tightening on your shoulder and moving closer to you. You watched with your eyes still wide as multiple blasts of light flashes across your vision and the sound of metal hitting metal continuously echoed in your ears. You could see figures dashing across the sky but couldn't truly make out what they were due to the speed they were moving at. You frowned slightly and looked back to Urushihara.

"Is there a way you can free up my hands and feet."

"I think I might be able to."

You nodded and felt the males fingers on your hands, pulling at whatever was binding you. You heard him growl lowly and you watched him stand up, shaking his head and looking at you.

"I don't think I can get it free."

"Why not? Isn't it just rope or something?"

"No. . . . It's magic. . . ."

You blinked and examined the boy before you. In your mind state, you'd forgotten about the wings on his back until now. You motioned towards them and raised an eyebrow.

"How. . . "

Urushihara frowned, shaking his head and looking away for a moment, turning back to you and sighing slightly.

"Well I uh. . . .- !!!!!!"

Everything seemed to slow down. You barely saw the beam of light before it struck the males wing, tearing through the center of it. You hadn't heard the yell coming from Maou to Urushihara. Nor did he apparently. All you really saw was a burst of black feathers in your vision and the boy falling to the ground. Your eyes went wide with tears forming in them, running down your cheeks. You turned your head towards Maou who frozen and wide eyed. You struggled desperately and in vain to reach a hand out towards the boy who now lay on the ground, hopefully just unconscious. Blood had poured from the wound and feathers were scattered across the ground, many covered in blood. You watched horrified as a second blast of light came hurling your way. You shut your eyes tightly, too afraid to watch. Instead of feeling an impact or blinding pain, you felt nothing but something warm on you cheek. You slowly opened your eyes and screamed. Urushihara stood in front of you, his arms outstretched and a hole in his chest. The warmth on your cheek. . . Was his blood. More tears fell as he did as well. A flash of blue out of the corner of your eye caused you to yell. You watched as Ashiya slammed his fist into the gut of the blue haired male, causing him to stagger backwards and away from you. You could see Emi running, or rather. . Flying towards you. This all confused you but all you could really think about was if Urushihara was alright. Emi walked behind you, a sword in her hand. You made a move to call out but she shook her head and raised the sword above her head, bringing it down behind your hands and severing whatever was holding you back. You started to fall foreword since you had been leaning foreword in an attempt to help Urushihara. Emi caught you and severed the binds around your feet. You stepped foreword, falling to your knees and covering your mouth as you looked at the boy. You reached out and, despite the blood around him, brought him towards you. Your fingers ran gingerly across the blood covered feathers. You looked up at Emi, tears in your eyes. She nodded slightly and bent down beside you.

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