Chapter 19 (Part 1) The Beginning of the End

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Hello everyone. Welcome to Part one of the two part second to last chapter of this Fanfiction. (Long name I know) Grab a blanket, your charger, some food, and find a nice place to sit and get ready to read because this chapter's a long one. Enjoy and I'll see you all at the end! I know I said I wouldn't split things up but I realized just how long this chapter was actually getting to be and I figured that splitting it up would work a lot better for you guys. So I hope you enjoy!

-Your P.O.V-

[The Following Morning]

"Ngh. . . "

With a small groan, you sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and adjusting the birds nest that sat atop your head. You looked around your apartment for a few seconds while your mostly still asleep brain processes everything.


Your mind snapped fully awake as you, quite literally, sprung out of bed. You ran over to your wardrobe and pulled out some clothes to wear, pulling them on and brushing your wild mess of (Hair Color) hair. You made your way to your small kitchen and fixed yourself a bit of food before running back to your bedroom and grabbing your phone. You punched in Emi's number and raised the phone to your ear.

"The Number You Have Dialed Is No Longer In Service"

'What the hell. . . ?'

You hung the phone up and redialed once more, only to hear the same message. With a frown, you shut your phone off and decided to head over to Emi's yourself. You slipped on your shoes and walked outside, heading towards her apartment.

-Mini Time Skip-


You stood outside of your friends apartment, knocking on the door and receiving no response. You tried a few more times but still nothing. With a shake of your head, you turned away and folded your arms while trying to think about where she could possibly be.


-Another Mini Time Skip-

You took in a deep breath and raised your fist up towards the wooden door before you. You hit your fist against the door and brought your hands back to your front and waited.

No answer.

You knocked again and still the same thing. You were starting to grow annoyed. You knew that it was unlike any of your friends to not answer the door. Out of sheer curiosity, you tried the door handle. After turning it slightly, you received a major shock.

The door opened up.
Don't ask. *^*

You gasped and stepped foreword, pushing the door further open and walking inside, not knowing that your shock would grow. looking around the apartment, you noticed a few things. One, there was no one inside, and two, the room was completely empty of any of the belongings you knew to have been there. You backed out of the room and shut the door, turning away and dashing down the stairs, being careful to not trip. You pulled your phone out once more and tried Emi's number again with no luck. You shook your head and speed walked over to the MgRonalds Maou worked at. Hoping to possibly find him there. A thought passed through your head but you refused to think about it.

-Third Mini Time Skip-

You burst through the doors to the restaurant, looking around worridly for a familiar face. To your horror, you saw nothing. Well, nothing except for a few startled employees. That was understandable though considering how you had burst into the fast food joint like a madman. . Or woman.

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