Chapter 7. Small Talk and Accidents

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A/N: I'm going to start moving things along a bit more in the chapters that follow this one. Of course I won't have things go from zero to a hundred like I stated awhile back but I think I've done more then enough dawdling buildup. I mean this is a fanfic after all. So yeah! Enough of my rambling! Oh, wait! I lied! More rambling! This story has gotten over one hundred views! I suppose it's a small number but thanks so much! In the beginning, I just put that first chapter up for fun. I never expected people to actually have an interest in my work, let alone for me to get this far so thanks so much! I'll continue to do my best in bringing you quality content to read! Now onto what you came here for! Chapter Seven!

-Your P.O.V-

You'd had your job at the Customer Service place for a few weeks now. Things had been going nicely and you'd been able to increase your style of living. You hadn't gotten anything extra or anything like that but you'd been able to stop rationing on your food and buying lower style brands. Nothing had really happened so far in the last few days. You'd been over to Maou's twice with Emi but nothing ever went down.

"Hm. . . "

It was a Friday evening. You'd pretty much just gotten back from work and were now relaxing on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You groaned and rolled onto your stomach, staring down at the floor, your hair falling into your face. You huffed and blew the hair from your face, rolling off of your bed and sitting up. You pondered for a while and decided to head over to Maou's. You weren't entirely sure what had prompted you but something did. With a small sigh, you stood up and got yourself ready.

-Time Skip brought to you by broken phone chargers-

You grumbled lowly to yourself as you walked towards your destination. It was boiling outside and you were about near to dramatically flop onto the sidewalk. You looked up and gave a sigh of relief upon seeing the apartment building in the distance. You sped up some and made your way to the apartment stairs. You walked up, having to be a bit more careful then normal as the metal railing was actually rather painful to the touch due to the heat. You walked into the partial hallway and stood outside the unit. You knocked twice and folded your hands behind your back and waited. You could hear a bit of shuffling coming from behind the door and you smiled slightly to yourself.

The door was pulled open and an oddly tired looking Urushihara greeted you. The teen looked like he hadn't slept in awhile and you suddenly felt a bit bad in the case that you might have woken him up. You took a slight step back and played with your fingers for a moment.

"H-hey Urushihara...did I uh..come at a bad time?"

The boy quickly shook his head, looking at bit more awake now.

"No! Oh, not at all. It's fine. Come in."

You nodded and walked into the unit, taking note that neither Ashiya nor Maou were present. You sat down and watched as the boy did the same. You both looked at each other for a few awkward moments before you spoke first, breaking the silence.

"So um. . . Where are the others?"

"Maou's off at work as usual and Ashiya ran out to the store to get more food. I dunno how long he'll be gone for."

"Ah, I see. I suppose it must be nice to have a bit of time to yourself."

"Mhm. They both enjoy being real jerks to me. But I suppose I might deserve it."

"Why would you deserve that?"

"I uh....kinda caused a bit of trouble a while back. Maou and Ashiya managed to save my ass from getting caught so I kind of owe them. Though that was a while back."

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