Chapter 15. Conflict

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A/N: Well it's officially Summer Break for me!! It doesn't feel like it though. Hm. . . I still feel that I have to go to school tomorrow but I don't. Haha!! So yeah! We are coming upon the last few chapters of this story. Unfortunately I'm starting to lose my plot. I've written it down so don't worry but even so, I'm running out of ideas but I've got a bit of gas left in the tank to end on a good note. I'm thinking of starting a request board for works.  Now without further adue, onto Chapter 15!

-Your P.O.V-

You yawned slightly, slowly sitting up and blinking a few times to clear your foggy eyes. You could smell food being cooked and heard low talking. You looked over and saw Maou and Urushihara talking quietly to one another. Ashiya stood at the mini kitchenette, making what you assumed to be breakfast. You smiled to yourself and went to lay back down though suddenly felt a familiar burning in your nose and, without warning, sneezed. All three males turned their heads in your direction causing you to blush slightly in embarrassment. Urushihara chuckled lightly while Maou smiled and Ashiya gave you a slight smile and wave before turning back to the food.

"Well good morning there."

You shook your head and crawled over to Urushihara, sitting beside him as he spoke.


"Hey ________."

"Good morning, Maou. You as well, Ashiya."

"Indeed. I hope you slept well, Miss. ______."

"Quite. Thank you."

You took a brief look around the apartment and smiled to yourself, closing your eyes and leaning back against Urushihara. The teen ruffled your hair gently. You opened an eye and looked up at him and stuck your tongue out playfully, earning a smile and a light laugh.

"Well aren't the two of your rather close this morning."

You sat up, turning to face Maou who had his arms folded across his chest and a smirk on his face. Your face turned a bright red as he laughed and leaned foreword slightly. Urushihara blinked a few times, watching Maou carefully. The boy smirked himself and reached an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he stared at Maou.

"Is there a problem with tha- OW!"

The boy released his grip and rubbed the top of his head, a frowning, arms folded Ashiya standing above him with a spatula in his hand. Clearly, he'd been hit. You placed a hand to your mouth to try and stifle a laugh. Urushihara turned to you, a pleading look on his face.

"Hands to self, Urushihara."

"Yeah whatever, Mom."

Ashiya's eye twitched slightly at the name. You had noticed that it seemed to be a bit of a joke from Urushihara to Ashiya. It was quite amusing really.

"Hmph. Just go grab the plates will you. It's time you start helping a bit more around here."

-Time Skip brought to you by Summer Break-

You all ate breakfast and cleaned up. Maou headed out to work while you, Urushihara, and Ashiya stayed back. You were all sitting around the table. Unsure of what to talk about. Urushihara took in a breath though stopped and shook his head, going silent once more.

"So um. . . ."

The two boys turned to you and you bit your lower lip slightly.

"What are you all going to do now?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well. . . . From what Emi told me, you all came here for separate reasons. What are you all going to do now that things have died down. . . . "

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