Chapter 18. Heartbreak

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Onto Chapter 18!! I'll give you all my excuses at the end so you can get to reading! But yeah, I'm alive so no worries there! Note: This is more of a filler chapter for the upcoming Second to last and Last Chapter of this Fic. Enjoy!

-Your P.O.V-

You watched as Urushihara walked away. There was an odd sensation burning in your chest as you watched him leave and vanish from your sight. You turned away and closed the door, locking it and leaning against it and sinking down, bringing your knees to your chest and sighing softly. Something felt off but you could not quite place it. You stood up and walked over to your bed, sitting down on it. Staring up at the ceiling, you played back your last few moments with Urushihara. You could still feel the warmth of his lips on yours and the feeling of his hand on your cheek. With a shake of your head, you stood back up and walked over to your wardrobe and pulled out your night clothes. All the while reassuring yourself that you would see Urushihara tomorrow  . . .

-Urushihara's P.O.V-

"Urushihara. . "

". . . . . . . "


". . . . . . "



I jerked my head up to lock eyes with Maou. His arms were folded and he looked pretty ticked. Not that I really cared though. My thoughts where just all scrambled.

"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"No. I didn't."

"Yeah, I figured. Anyways, we leave tonight in a few minutes once Emi gets here. You got that?"

"Do you really need to keep reminding me that we are going? Once is more than enough don't you think?. . "

I could hear the emptiness of my own words as I looked back out towards the window I had previously been staring out of. I sighed lightly and turned my eyes on the direction of the door. There was a slight knocking sound and I watched as Maou stood up, walking over and opening it.

Emi stood in the doorway with an upset look on her face. I halfheartedly  raised myself to my feet and looked at Emi, Maou, and Ashiya. I had always known that we would leave this place one day but I never truly expected it to be this soon and for me to be so hesitant to go. But this had to be done, much as I hated it.

"Well, we are all here. . . Let's. . . Head out. ."

I nodded silently at Maou's words, unwilling to fully accept what was about to happen. I followed behind the others as we headed out of the small apartment. We had been sure to leave no trace of us ever really having been there to begin with.

The night air was cold and brisk as we walked back towards the place that Maou and Ashiya had first entered earth at. Nobody said anything though I doubt anything needed to be said.


"Yeah. . I got it. . "

I lifted my head up and watched as Emi quietly started to speak in Enta Islan, a soft purple glow coming from the center of her palm that slowly began to grow bright and take on a more circular shape, starting to form the portal that would take us all home. After a few seconds, she lowered her hand and ceased speaking. The only sound was the quiet whirring sound of the portal that had now formed. Emi turned back to face Maou, Ashiya, and I. I could see her eyes starting to water slightly and soon felt the same burning sensation in my own eyes. 

"Let's go. . "

Maou stepped foreword, looking back once before walking foreword towards the portal. He stopped for a moment and took a deep breath, walking straight through the portal and vanishing. Ashiya did the same, following right after Maou like the little puppy he was. After he vanished through the portal, Emi and I were left. I looked around briefly, rethinking my choice to go as though I actually had any say in the whole matter. After a bit of what I assumed to be mental debating on her point, Emi walked foreword. She looked back over her shoulder at me, a pitying look on her face. I scoffed some and turned away. I felt pathetic being given such a look from someone like her. I didn't need it.

I heard the sound of the portal taking in Emi before it went silent once more. I turned back around and stared at the glowing purple circle before me. I took a slow step foreword, my eyes still burning as I desperately tired to hold back the tears that were pushing to fall from my eyes. I reached a hand out and lightly brushed it across the portal, feeling the sensation of being partially pulled in. With a heavy sigh and one last look back, I walked further into it, my entire body being enveloped in the purple light. I could still see a partial amount of the worked outside of the portal. I could now feel the tears falling down my face as I stepped fully through.

"I love you. . . .  _______. . . ."

-Third Person P.O.V-

The events that took place in a back alleyway in Tokyo were not witnessed by anyone other  than the four people involved. After the purple haired teen boy stepped through the portal, it began to slowly close shut, once again sealing the entrance to another world that had originally lost four of its inhabitants but was now gaining all of them back once more. The soft glow from the entrance faded slowly, growing dimmer as each second ticked by. After no more than ten or so seconds, it was gone fully. No trace of it ever being there in the first place left behind.


Hello everyone. I'm truly sorry for waiting. . . One, two. . Two months to update you guys on this story. But here's the lowdown on where the hell I've been. I've been soooo freaking busy with real life lately. Before I left, I mentioned that I would be taking off for England. The trip was amazing. So there was that. A bit of emotional things went on as well. A member of my family passed a few days after I returned to America. (His funeral was today actually. 9/9/16). But that aside, I've also started another year of school. (I'm in High but I ain't telling what year) Homework and stuff has been taking up my time as well as the fact that my ideas for this fanfic is lacking greatly. I'm trying to push out the last two chapters as soon as possible and to make them as good as I possibly can. Chapter 19 and 20 will be incredibly long and I'm making them as detailed as possible. I'll hopefully, keyword HOPEFULLY, have this fanfiction completed before the year is up. Now you may be thinking (I know you really aren't) "But Lili, that's another three months! Will it really take that long?!" Well dear readers, yes it probably will. I realize I could stretch this Fic out a few more chapters but I really don't want to do that. I'd like to stick to Twenty Chapters. So that the update on everything that's been going on so far. Thank you so much for all the votes and reads on this work. I've hit 1K reads and am probably beyond that but thank you really. It means a lot. The votes help as well. I'm so glad you guys like my writing. So till Chapter 19, I'll see you all later! Byeeeee!!!

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