Chapter 10 Confusion

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A/N: Soooo I lied. I had a starter that I'd forgotten about so I continued it for you guys. I'll post against on Monday like I said. So yeah! Enjoy!

-Your P.O.V-

You sneezed once more, walking up the stairs to the apartment, Urushihara following behind you. You made it up the stairs and to the unit where Urushihara banged his fist against the door, earning the door being thrown open and a pissed off Maou staring down at him. You sneezed again, causing Maou to tear his harsh gaze away from Urushihara and towards you, which may have been a good thing since he looked about ready to kill the poor child. Maou let out a sigh, shaking his head and holding the door open for you both to file in. You walked inside, immediately claiming the spot in front of the heater and sitting down, shivering. Urushihara brought over a towel and blanket. You nodded and took the towel, drying your hair off and wrapping the blanket around yourself. Urushihara sat down beside you and you moved slightly closer, earning a slight blush forming across his face though he turned away to try and hide it.

"Now then..."

You both jumped slightly at the voice heading both of your ways. You each turned your head to face a still glaring Maou. You sneezed and his expression at you softened some though his glare at the purple haired general seems to intensify. Urushihara seems to shrink back slightly and moved closer to you. You smiled slightly and reached your hand out, placing it next to him and bumping it slightly to get his attention that it was there. He took notice and placed his hand over yours, causing you to blush slightly. Maou cleared his throat and caught both of your attentions. You spun your head to look at him.

"It seems that you're alright then, ______."

"Oh uh yeah! I'm fine."

You laughed nervously and moved your other hand up to nervously scratch the back of your head. You smiled weakly and let out a sigh, placing your hand in your lap. Urushihara coughed slightly, Maou turning to look at him.

A/N: Refer to the Key. M-Maou, A-Ashiya. U-Urushihara. No Mark-'You'.

M "What do you want?"

U "Nothing. I was simply coughing. Is that a problem, Maou?"

A "Do not be so rude to the head of this house, Urushihara!"

U "I wasn't being rude! I was just asking a question!"

M "Both of you cut it out!"

"Guys....come on...let's not do this..."

"M "______'s right. Stop fighting you both."

U "Hey! You were in on it as well! Don't just blame me."

A "Quiet, Creature. Maou has spoken."

U "Suck up."

You let out a sigh, shaking your head and laughing some. You frowned slightly and lightly poked Urushihara's side, causing him to jump slightly though turn to you.

"There's something in the window...."

You watched as Maou immediately stood up, turning to the window and narrowing his eyes. Ashiya stood up as well and moved towards the table, grabbing the phone and opening it up, dialing a number and speaking quickly.

"Emillia, Get here now. It's urgent."

Urushihara narrowed his eyes and made a move to stand up though paused and pulled you slightly closer to him. You blinked and bit your lip, moving near him and starting to speak.

"What's going on-"

You paused when you noticed that the atmosphere in the room had grown tense. You closed your mouth and kept silent. You heard Ashiya speaking quietly into the phone and watched Maou pace back and forth, his eyes still glued to the window, whose blinds had been closed. You heard a knock at the door and jumped, Urushihara tightening his grip on your hand. Ashiya and Maou both narrowed their eyes. You heard a female voice coming from the other side of the door

"Omen hte xook, cou xeponj."

You raised an eyebrow in confusion. You could tell the voice belonged to Emi but she wasn't speaking in any sort of language you'd ever heard. The others seemed to understand though, as Maou made his way to the door, unlocking it and proving your thoughts.

Emi stepped inside and began talking to Maou in a hushed voice. You strained to hear them but it really was no good. You only heard small bits here and there. Not enough to put together a sentence. You heard words like. "Feather" "He" "back" "white" "hero" "King"

You shook your head in defeat and leaned against Urushihara, still holding his hand and sighing softly as you did so. You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared. And who wouldn't be after seeing the reactions you got at your first comment.

"irr yarr bou iw i winx anbhtinv ouh"


You tried to figure out what language they could possibly be using but nothing came to mind. You felt a hand on your head and looked up to see Urushihara gently stroking your hair. You shook your thoughts off and closed your eyes, relaxing near the boy.
"Oh well. It's probably nothing.'

You watched as Emi left and Maou shut the door behind her. He opened up the blinds and made his way back to his seat, sitting back down and folding his hands. Ashiya did the same and Urushihara let his grip on you loosen to the point where you could move freely again. You sat up straighter and looked straight at Maou.

"What was that about?"

"Well uh. . . ."

A/N: Andddd I'll leave you there! By the way, this should help you out in this chapter. This is the translation to Enta Islan. Hope it helps you out! I might use it more often in this story so keep it in mind. I will include it for each chapter so don't worry about memorizing it. Though I have actually found that just by writing the parts for this chapter, that I've already memorized a few letter switches so yeah! Byeeee~ -Lili


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