Chapter 9. Jealousy (Pt 2)

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-Your P.O.V-


You panted as you stood before Urushihara, rain dripped off your face and hair, causing your vision to be slightly blurry. You raised your head up and gave the boy before you a slight frown. You narrowed your eyes and took a few steps foreword, brushing your soaking wet hair from your eyes and staring into the pair of amethyst eyes looking back at you.

"Why on earth are you out here?!"

The boy before shifted his face away and cast his eye down to the side. He placed his hands in his pockets and shuffled his feet some.

"Urushihara. . . ."

"I just needed some fresh air. That's all."

You frowned and moved closer to the boy to where you were in arms reach of him. He lifted his head and looked at you, an eyebrow raised.

"What? You don't believe me?"

"No. I don't."

"Hm. Well that's too bad. You might as well go back to the apartment. I'm sure that Maou is probably worried about you."

"Maou. . . . Why would he be worried about me?"

"Because it's clear that he cares a great deal about you. . . ."

The boy paused his sentence, turning around and gazing up at the sky, rain continuing to fall and run down his face. His next set of words were barely audible above the sound of the falling rain yet you heard them.

"And you seem to return those emotions. . . . "

Your eyes widened and your face went a bright red. You marched foreword, placing your hand upon the males shoulder and spinning him around. You moved your face closer to his in a partially hostile manner.

"You think I like Maou?!"

The fallen angel bit his lower lip for a moment, jerking his shoulder out of your grasp and turning away. He gave a slight nod in response to which you turned him your way once more. Though this time his face was slightly red.

"Why would you think that?!"

"The two of you spend so much time together. You walk each other back here, and you were wearing his jacket as well. . . . "

"Urushihara. . First off, we just happen to get off work at the same time and Maou thought it might be a good idea because of what happened last time. Secondly, I mean since we do walk back, of course we'd be around one another and as for his jacket, it was cold out and raining! Yes, I like Maou but not in the way you're thinking. . . . And even if I did, why do you. . . . "

You thought for a moment as you trailed off. Urushihara was upset at that fact that you might have feelings for Maou.
'But that still doesn't explain why it matters to him-....'
You cut off your own thought, realizing your answer.

"Urushihara. . . . Do you. . ."

The young male's purple eyes went wide while his face turned a bright red that rivaled the color of Emi's hair. Your own face turned a slight red as you looked at the demon general.

"W-well I uh...!"

-Urushihara's P.O.V-

"W-well I uh. . . !"

I could feel my face heating up quickly as I stared at _______. She'd finally caught on but now what the hell do I say?! I could just come right out and say it but what if I screw it up? She's already said she doesn't like Maou but what if she doesn't like me either. What if it's someone else? God damnit, Lucifer. Stop panicking. Just say it! Go on! It's not that hard right?! Say it!!!

"____-______ I uh. . ."

I gulped and shuffled my feet, unable to move my gaze to hers completely. I watched her tilt her head slightly at my faltering sentence.


I cleared my throat, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, opening my mouth.


Crap. . . I cringed at the pathetic squeak that came out. This was harder then I'd thought it'd be. I watched her raise an eyebrow and my face began to flare up. I was just embarrassing myself further and she was no doubt freezing right now since we were still standing in the rain. I took in another breath and stepped closer to her, turning my eyes down to meet her's and speaking once more.

"________, I uh. . ."

'Do it damnit!'

"I. . ."

'Come on!'

"Well. . . The reason I was upset about you and Maou possibly liking one other was because....Ilikeyouanddontthinkyoudbegoodwithmaou."

'Well that was horrible.'

My face heat up more as I watched her's do the same. It seemed she caught the jist of what I was trying to tell her.

"Y-you like me. . .?"

-Your P.O.V-

Your brain raced as you processed what you'd heard. Granted most of it was mumbled and rushed nonsense but you understood what you needed to. You watched Urushihara nod slightly at your question and you moved closer to him, smiling slightly and blushing deeply.

"I...I like you too Urushihara."

The boys eyes went wide as you smiled and reached out, putting your arms around him and hugging him tightly. You could feel him freeze up slightly as though unsure of what to do. After a moment though, he slowly put his arms around you in a hug.

"That's a relief."

You laughed slightly though were interrupted by a sneeze coming from you of course.

"We should go back before you get sick."

Yeah. Let's go."

A/N: Awwwwweeee!!!!~ Well there you go! I'll update this over the weekend. I just wanted to post this other one because I couldn't wait! Hope you guys liked it! See ya next time!! Byeee!!!~ -Lili

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