Chapter 4. New Surroundings (Edited)

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A/N: I realize I'm posting this a day early but I sort of wanted to just get it posted and done with. I'm not necessarily all that proud of this chapter. I kept going back and editing it till I was somewhat happy with it. I dunno how it turned out so I apologize if it's not that great. I feel like it might be longer then the other parts but I'm not sure. I might break my schedule in posting and put up another part this week.

-Your P.O.V-

"What on earth is going on with me?"

You spoke to yourself in a tired voice, sitting by your window and looking out at the street and various people behind the glass square. You shook your head and stood up, reaching over to the table beside you and picking up your phone. Your fingers quickly unlocked it and typed in a number. Raising the device to your ear, you spoke out as a voice answered.

"Hey ________! How are you?"

"Hello Emi. I'm good thanks. By the way, I was just wondering if you had anything on a possible job. Just out of curiosity."

"Hm. . . Oh! Yeah! I do! One of the girls at my work just quit since she's moving away to be closer to her family. I could bring you to my work and talk to my boss if you'd like."

"Are you serious?! That'd be amazing, Emi! Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, no problem. I can take care of it today during my lunch break. It's no problem at all. And besides, it'd be nice to work with you."

"Yeah totally! That'd be perfect! I really appreciate it, Emi."

"Mhm. Don't mention it, ______"

After a few more minutes on the phone, you both exchanged your goodbyes and hung up. You were so excited to finally have, or at least possibly, have a job. Your money you had brought with you was growing dangerously low and you were starting to have to ration your food. Much to your displeasure.

-Mini Time Skip Brought To You By Walmart. Save Money, Live Better. (-Shrugs- Don't judge me)-

After finishing your extravagant and fancy breakfast of (Not so fancy breakfast food), you got yourself dressed and cleaned up for an eventful day of. . . Absolutely nothing. You had no clue what to do with yourself right now. You, embarrassingly, had no real friends to hang out. You pondered going over to Maou's but thought against it as you didn't want to seem like a nuisance to any of them. Your thoughts drifted over to Urushihara, which caused you to slap your cheeks and clear your mind out in frustration. Sitting back down on the floor and leaning against the wall, you pondered still what to do.

'I suppose I could go explore the nearby shopping center. . . Not that I can really buy anything.'

You settled on window shopping (A/N: If you don't know what that is, then it's pretty much just going to stores and looking at things that you WOULD buy if you could. Some people actually are unclear as to what it is.) and grabbed your bag and slipped on your shoes, heading outside and locking the door behind you.

Heading to the shopping center took roughly 10 minutes of walking. You had neither a car nor bike do you had to be productive and walk. You looked around for a bit, marveling at the items in various stores and cursing yourself for being so broke. After a while, you began to grow a bit hungry and decided to go to a nearby restaurant for some food on the go.

Spotting a familiar sign up ahead, you made your way towards a MgRonalds. You walked inside and headed towards the register. Upon closer examination, your eyes widened as you recognized the person working. Looking like a child, you ran up to the counter and smiled brightly at the green/black haired male.

"Hey Maou!"

"Oh! Hi, _______!"

"Mr. Maou? Who is she?"

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