Chapter 17. Loss

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Hey all! What's up! I am back at it again with more pre chapter rambling! My update schedule is going to be incredibly jacked up for the next  few weeks. I'll make another separate update thingymabob to explain why because it's a lot of info for all y'all heads and I don't want to fill this chapter up with personal life mumbo jumbo. It's cluttered enough with my rambling! Ain't no one need anything else. So yeah!  I'll see y'all at the end of the chapter! So here we go! Onto Chapter 17!

-Your P.O.V-

"Hey, Urushihara?"


"Why uh. . . Why did you leave Heaven? If you don't mind me asking. . . "

Both you and Urushihara were cleaning up the aftermath of your struggle earlier. He was picking up the broken shards of ceramic while you were reorganizing the sheets of paper from the table. You looked over your shoulder towards the male and noticed he had stopped picking up shards and was now simply staring at them.

"You don't have to answer you know. . I was just curious."

"No, it's fine. I just. . Well I had grown bored. I was tired of the same old thing going on up there. So I left. It's simple really. . "

"I see. . "

You nodded at his response, still feeling that there was more to it but you said nothing more. You let out a sigh, shuffling a stack of papers and setting them back down on the table.

-Mini Time Skip Brought To You By Being Sick-

-Your P.O.V-

Taking a step back, you smiled at the sight of your now clean home. You turned to look over at Urushihara and grinned slightly, lightly poking his side with a laugh.

"Finally done. Took us long enough."


You gave a yawn, stretching your arms above your head and groaned. You checked your watch and frowned, seeing it was a little after seven in the evening. You both had been working nearly all day.

A/N: Throws hands up in the air, [saying ayeoh] (I had to)
"Don't bark at me if timelines don't add up. They never do in these things! Deal with it!"

You figured that now might as well be as good a time as any to start getting ready for bed. The only issue was, there was Urushihara. You turned and looked over at him. He seemed to be off in his own little world.

"You alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

He nodded quickly, smiling at you and laughing lightly. With a shake of your head, you folded your arms and glanced around, unable to find something suitable to keep your eyes focused on. You settled on your window after a bit and looked out at the fading sunlight.

"It's starting to get late. . "

You trailed off, unsure of how to put things without seeming rude. It wasn't that you wanted Urushihara to leave. Quite the opposite really. But you just didn't want him getting into trouble for staying over too long.

"I should probably head back. Don't want Ashiya blowing a gasket at me."

"Mhm. Sounds just like him."

You two shared a laugh and you turned towards the door, standing beside it while Urushihara pulled on his shoes. You stepped back and he opened the door and stared outside for a moment while looking as though he had something important to say. You tilted your head to the side in an inquisitive manner though he said nothing. He stepped outside and turned around.

-Urushihara's P.O.V-

'Why. . . Why did everything have to turn out this way. . . It just wasn't fair.'

I looked back at _______. It honestly took everything in my power to not look like a child and break down crying in front of her. It was strange though. I'd never really felt like this before. I'd felt other people's sadness but never really my own. It felt somewhat foreign. It felt off. I couldn't explain it really. Nonetheless, what had to be done, had to be done. There was no running from it or avoiding it. All I could do was enjoy what time I had left with her and hope that I could return back soon. That was all I could do for her and for myself.

"Well. . . I guess. . I'll see you later. . "

I could easily hear my voice cracking as I spoke.
'Damnit! This is only going to make her upset as well!'
I cleared my throat, shaking my head and plastering a reassuring smile across my face as I stepped towards _______. I reached my hand out and placed it gently on her cheek, leaning foreword and lightly kissing her lips. I pulled away, spinning around and waving slightly, walking down the steps and onto the empty street. I couldn't bear to look back. For she would see the tears already running down my face.

I turned my face up towards the sky, now fully out of view of her apartment and closed my eyes, feeling the tears still spilling down my cheeks. I brought my hand up to wipe a few drops from my eyes and sighed, shaking my head and shoving my hands into my pockets as I made the trek back towards the Devil's Castle. I felt like such a fool for not saying something to her earlier when I had the chance. Instead I ran. I might not ever get the chance to tell _______ how I honestly feel. Hell, I'd really never get that chance.

"Forgive me. . . "

Maou had lied. We weren't leaving in a few days like he said we were.  . . We were leaving that night. . . . . .

Dundundundunnnnnn! Uh-Oh! Sorry (Not sorry) to do this to y'all! But I'm cruel!! To make it up to y'all, I've got an idea up my sleeve. It's a five letter word, starts with L, and is what all fangirls want to sEe with their aniMe crush. I might dO oNe. Who knows. Ima need to like, rack my brain with ideas for it so if this Chapter gets at least. . Lemme see. . Yeah, I got it. If this Chapter gets at least three Votes in the next three weeks, which is one vote per week because Ima be gone for so long, then I'll write one. I think you guys can manage that. Right? It'll be the last Chapter of this Fanfic but Mark my words,
Is handed her Dictionary by her friend, Mark "Thank you."
It'll be one hell of a Finale! Well until next time! Take care you all! Remember to look both ways and all that stuff! (If anyone's heard that then I'll love you forever. It's a subtle one but still!) See all of you guys in Chapter 18!

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