Chapter 14. Emotions

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A/N: I know I said in my last Chapter, though I removed the statement, that I would post up a mini chapter that deals with the battle scene, however, I've found that I've completely forgotten my base idea for the chapter. I kept telling myself "Write it down, Liliana." But guess what?! I didn't. So I'm just going to continue the story as normal without that. Sorry if you were looking foreword to it. Maybe I'll try to type it up but eh. I dunno. Ima give y'all a bit of fluff in this chapter!Anywayssss, onto Chapter 14!

-Your P.O.V-

You bit your lip upon hearing the cry of pain coming from the fallen angel in your lap. You felt his grip on your hand tighten as he did so. You sighed softly, shaking your head as you felt his hand go limp in yours. He'd fall unconscious again. You looked up to Maou as he shook his head and turned to Emi. She frowned and folded her arms across her chest while glaring at Maou.

"Oh no. I am NOT healing him."

"Emi, it's not like Ashiya and I have any sort of real healing magic. And besides that, neither of us know how to work around a wing. I can heal the hole in his stomach but the wing. . . ."



"No means no."

"Emi. . . Please. . . "

Emi turned to look at you, her eyebrow raised in slight confusion at your statement.

"He's in pain. . Please don't just leave him like this. . "

You watched her sigh and place two fingers to her forehead. She was clearly thinking rather hard about her answer. After what felt like ages, she huffed and nodded.


Emi unfolded her arms and held her hand out towards the male, her hand hovering over the hole in the males wing. A soft white glow came from the center of the woman's palm, directly over the wound. You felt Urushihara twitch slightly and you stroked his hair in a comforting manor. The light surrounded both of the boys wings, the gash being obscured. After a few moments, the light faded and once it did, the wound was gone. You widened your eyes slightly and smiled at Emi.

"Thank you. . "

"Yeah. He'd better thank me though."


-Mini Time Skip-

-Urushihara's P.O.V-

'. . . . . . . '


I groaned, slowly opening my eyes and looking up. Staring down at me was _______. She had a concerted look on her face as she looked down at me. I quickly sat up, wincing slightly both out of two types of pain. I heard a small yelp from ______. My first shock was the pain near my stomach and the second was from accidentally smacking my forehead into hers. I quickly turned around, facing her and reaching a hand out towards her.

"A-are you alright?"

I saw her holding her hands over her forehead and nodding slightly.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Are you?"


I watched as she moved closer to me and reached a hand out. I lightly nibbled on my lower lip at a sudden jolt running through my body. I felt my face heat up as it quickly turned my head towards ______ and finally realized what was going on. I noticed her fingers lightly running across the feathers on my wings. I turned away for a moment, my wings twitching in response to her touch.

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