Chapter 16. Tears

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for putting up with my absence here on Wattpad. It means a lot that people still come and read this story. I'm at six hundred views at the time of writing this little blurb. I want to say thank you! It really does mean a lot to me. I've had so much trouble with gathering an idea for this chapter without being incredibly generic and doing what everyone else does in their Fanfics. I really do hope that this is enough for you guys. I've been incredibly busy in general and somewhat under the weather so I'm honestly trying here you guys. Now without further ado, onto Chapter 16! See you at the end of the chapter!

-Your P.O.V-

You sat with Chi for what seemed like ages. You didn't dislike it but it was just a bit worrisome that the others were taking so long to discuss whatever it was that they were talking about. Eventually and finally, the door opened back up and the others walked back inside. They all had slightly worried expressions upon their faces yet banished them upon seeing the equally worried gazes of both you and Chi that were being directed at them. Urushihara sat down beside you and gave you a smile, reaching his hand over and placing it over yours. You took a look up at him and smiled weakly, gripping his hand tightly and looking over towards Chi. She gave you a slight nod in Urushihara's direction. You nodded and turned to face him.

"What was that about?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

You frowned, pulling your hand away from his and folding both hands into your lap. You gave him an accusing look and narrowed your eyes slightly.

"Urushihara, please tell us what's going on."

The young male let out a sigh, shaking his head and glancing over towards Maou and the others. Maou nodded slightly and glanced at Emi who also gave an approving nod. Urushihara took a breath, facing you and Chi, and spoke.

"Well um. . . The thing is. . "

The male hesitated, trailing off of his words and shooting a glance at Maou who shook his head and looked over, a worried and nervous expression upon his face.

"We may need to leave for some time. It won't be long but even so. . . "

The male trailed off, looking down with a saddened look upon his face. He looked up, making a small glance in your direction then in Chi's. You looked over at Chi and suddenly felt quite bad for the poor girl. Her face looked as though she had just been told that her parents were dead. She looked absolutely distraught. You felt the same way though kept your face looking somewhat calm yet denying everything on the inside.

"Why. . ?"

You looked up at Urushihara, holding back tears as you stated at him, pressing for further information. The boy shifted uncomfortably in place, averting your gaze as he did so.

"It's uh. . It's not really important."

"Urushihara. . .  Please tell me what's going on."

"We are needed back in Enta Isla. Things are going wrong back there. People are growing restless without Maou there and conflict is arising all over. . "

You listened quietly, trying to understand what he was saying to you.

"So you and Ashiya and Emi need to go as well?..."

"Yeah. . We all hold partial authority in places so we need to return. . . "

You nodded slowly, turning to look over at Emi, Maou, and Ashiya. They all nodded at Urushihara's statement. You glanced over to Chi who still had a shocked expression on her face. You turned to face Maou.

"When are you all leaving. . ?"

"In a few days. Maybe two to three."

"So we have till then. . ."

-Time Skip brought to you by paper cuts-

-Urushihara's P.O.V-

I sighed softly, walking beside _______ towards her apartment. I had decided to come back with her to clean everything up. Ashiya of course had put up a slight front about me going there but I managed. _______ didn't want me moving around yet but I told her I was going regardless.

I walked up the steps to her apartment, looking around briefly. I was still a bit on edge about the whole incident that took place. I was jolted from my thoughts however by a hand being placed over mine. I looked over and saw ______ gently squeezing my hand.

"Everything's alright, Urushihara."

I nodded, trying to relax and walked into the apartment behind _______. My eyes widened slightly at the mess of things. I had been to upset earlier to fully take notice of just how bad things were. Papers scattered everywhere, the table upturned and knocked to the side, several times scattered on the ground, a broken ceramic bowl on the ground with drops of blood on it. She truly hadn't gone down easy. It was clear to see that she had fought back quite hard. I looked over at ______ who was looking slowly around the room. Shaking my head some, I stepped foreword and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her towards me and putting her head against my chest. I knew I was shaking and I could feel a stinging sensation in my eyes as I held back tears. She didn't react at first. Simply going wide eyed and not moving. After a second though, she put her own arms around me, holding on tightly.

"I'm so sorry. . If only I'd been more aware of everything. . If only I'd told you the truth sooner. . . "

-Your P.O.V-

While listening to Urushihara's words, you could feel him shaking slightly and heard a small crack in his voice as he spoke. You could tell he was struggling to not cry. You lifted your head, looking up at the boy and smiling softy at him. You placed a hand on his cheek and brought his face towards you, moving your lips towards his. Urushihara smiled in return and pressed his lips against yours. You both pulled back after a few seconds with blushes on both of your faces. You smiled and pulled back from his arms, laughing lightly and looking around your destroyed apartment.

"We might as well start cleaning this place up, huh? It ain't gonna take care of itself."

"Yeah. You're right."

You knew you only had a little bit of time left to spend with Urushihara. You had no idea when he would return. The most devastating thought that came to mind was 'Would he return?'. You didn't know. But you wanted to make the most of every second you had left with him before you two were torn away.

A/N: Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed Chapter 16. I know it wasn't my best work and I greatly apologize for that. I'll be sure to give you better content in Chapter 17. Now, with this Fic coming to a close, I've decided upon a new method for writing my next story. What I plan to do is write the entire fanfic out without stops or chapters. After I've written the entire thing, I'll divide it all up into parts and update accordingly. I think it'll prevent me from losing ideas I have when giving space in between updates. So yeah. That's how things will go. I'll talk you all next time! Take care!

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