Prologue: the wedding

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6 months have passed by and it's now my wedding day. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous because honestly I'm scared to death. Ive always waited for my wedding day and I never imagined it would be with the guy who saved my life.
I was now sitting in the back room of the church. Me and Liam decided to pick one in his hometown since I hadn't been in England long enough to know any. At the moment, I was getting my hair and makeup done. I kept my eyes closed wanting to be surprised. 20 minutes passed by when I felt someone turn me around, I opened my eyes and was shocked! "OMG THANK YOU" I yell hugging Lou, who insisted to help me. I went to the changing room and took off my sweats. I slowly walked over to my dress and observed it, before finally putting it on.

My look:

My look:

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Once dressed, I slowly opened the door and stepped out into the room

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Once dressed, I slowly opened the door and stepped out into the room. As soon as I did, everyone gathered into a group hug. I smiled widely, and looked at my Maid of Honors, Cami and Haley.
"I can't thank you guys enough for being here for me. This is the most important day" I said trying not to tear up. "Maddie we wouldn't miss it for the world" Cami said hugging me. "Yeah! We had to see you marry the guy you've obsessed over since high school!" Haley said adding a sense of humor. I giggled and we pulled away. Today was important and all the important people were here.


-Jordan (my brother)

Maid of honors and best man:

Flower girls and ring bearer:
-Daisy & phoebe
-Loki (Liam's dog)

It seemed like an eternity before everyone went to line up for the ceremony. I was shaking so much my dad had to hug me just to calm me down. My mom had been crying before she went to take her seat. I slipped on my heels, and many accessories before I heard the music begin signaling everyone was taking their places. Me & my dad walked to the closed doors and stood waiting for the wedding march. I heard the music begin, the doors were opened and I took a deep breathe before walking. Me and my dad walked slowly down the aisle, he was looking around but my eyes were caught on the handsome man in front of me. Tears were coming to my eyes, and I couldn't have been happier in that moment.
---------hours before-----------------------
Liam's POV

It was about 3 hours until the wedding and I was a complete nervous wreck! Not because I was worried but because I couldn't believe I was actually marrying Madison today.
I was completely dressed and ready to go. I'm sitting down currently, my knees shaking with anxiousness when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up to see Louis. "Calm down, mate! Everything is going to be fine!" I nodded my head and replied, "I know! I've just been thinking about this day for a while. I'm excited!" Louis smiled, "You really love her don't you?"... I nodded and whispered, "More than anything"

It was now time for the ceremony. I was in my spot on the alter, facing the back waiting for my beautiful fiancé, soon to be bride, to come through the door. 5 minutes went by, and then the groomsmen and bridesmaids began walking down in their assigned couples. I tried my best not to shake. I went completely still when I heard the wedding march begin to play, and saw the doors open. The second I saw her come through the door, tears formed in my eyes. She was always beautiful, but today she looked like a princess. I held my hands in front of me, and tried my best not to start crying like a baby. I had waited for this day since I fell in love with her and I can't believe it's already here.

Third person POV
Madison had made it down the aisle, her father giving her a kiss before handing her off to Liam. They held hands and walked up to stand on the alter. There was no time wasted as the ceremony immediately started.

The preacher came up and announced, "We will start  by having a Wine & Letter ceremony. Each spouse has written a love letter consisting of why they fell in love with another. They haven't read the others note. These will be placed in a box with a bottle of wine. In times of trouble in their marriage, they will open the box, drink the wine, and read the letters to remind them of why they fell in love in the first place. If there are no troubles, they shall open it on their 1 year anniversary to celebrate their love"... He nodded, then stepped aside letting Madison and Liam put their letters in and then locking the box.

After this, we moved onto the vows. Madison went first.
(A/N: italic is Madison, Bold is Liam)

Liam, as everyone may know you're in One Direction. About 4 years ago, I found this group of guys who had amazing voices, but there was one in particular I fell for. He had chocolate brown eyes, short brown hair and the most amazing smile. This guy was you. I've gone through so many tough things in my life and you were the only one who could help me through it. You never knew who I was but just your voice could make me smile. I learned your backstory and was inspired. I knew if you could make it through all the things you did, so could I! You saved my life. If I hadn't found you I probably wouldn't be here right now. So thank you. This past year and half  has been the best in my life. I found my real family, reunited with my best friends, and found my true love. I fell in love with your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your voice, just everything. You're my best friend, my soulmate, and My support system. I love you and look forward to spending forever with you"

Then Liam went.

"Madison, I've spent most of my life searching for the right girl. Most girls, used me for my money but you didn't. Even when I was a stranger on the plane the first time we met, you were so kind. You didn't push me away or make a remark, you simply started a nice conversation. When I met you the day Louis found out he had a sister, I didn't know what would happen, but then I saw it was you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I fell in love. I fell in love with your voice, your beautiful eyes, your gorgeous smile, your laugh, and everything else. The first time I saw you, you made my heart race. I was nervous to even speak to a girl as beautiful as you but I'm glad I did. You have made me a better person this past year and a half. I can be myself around you, you keep me going through thick and thin, and I couldn't have asked for a better girl to have fallen in love with. You're my entire world and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you"

Once vows were over, "I do" 's were exchanged, they kissed and exited the church as Mr and Mrs Payne

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