Chapter 7

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Once I had gotten on the road, I asked Siri to call my mom. It rang a couple times before She finally picked up. "hello? Sweetie is something wrong?" She said through the speakers. "Uh M-mom, can I C-come stay for a-a while?" I ask trying to keep the tears down. She responded, "Of course, honey! What happened?" with a sympathetic voice. "I'll explain when I get there.

------skip the drive---------
After a 2 hour drive, I was finally back to the home I never knew, but felt like I belonged. I got out of the car, and unhooked Hazel's car seat bringing her in with me. I gently knocked on the door, anxiously waiting for my mom. I waited until it opened revealing a worried Johannah. I immediately walked in, sat Hazel down, and hugged my mom crying.

For the next hour or so, I told my mom, and stepdad what had happened. They insisted I stay for as long as needed. I'm so grateful I finally have a family that cares as much as they do.
After dinner, I was going to set up Hazel's bed in the guest room with me but Mom insisted she watch her tonight. So I can have a break. I didn't argue because honestly I need time to think.

I walked upstairs and changed into my batman PJs before taking out my laptop and setting it on my music. I laid back on the bed, closed my eyes and lost myself in the music. Suddenly I heard my skype ringtone going off. Curiously I looked up and saw Haleys name. UGH.
Without thinking, I answered, but no one was there. It was just a camera. She must have called me somehow and left her camera in the living room.
Just as I was gonna hang up I hear someone talk, so I listen. "Liam, You have to get up! Laying here and crying isn't going to solve the problem! You have to apologize!" Louis yells from the side. Suddenly I see Liam sit up from his spot on the couch, with blood shot eyes, and he softly answers, "What's the point Lou? She HATES me! You saw how she reacted before she left. I'm sorry that I'm crying but it hurts. I've realized that I messed up, I didn't mean anything I said, I was just stressed. It hurts SO much knowing I'm the reason she is upset." before New Tears form in his eyes. I hear Louis sigh before he responds, "Well then SHOW her that you're sorry, SHOW her that you truly care for her and Hazel! Prove your love to her. She doesn't hate you, trust me. You're all she ever talks about, and her eyes light up when someone mentions your name! You just have to SHOW her!". Liam sits there for a minute, as if he's processing what Louis just said, then nods. He gets up and walks away. I sigh, and look down feeling kind of guilty for making Liam cry, but I had to do it. I look back up to see Louis, and jump. "I just wanted you to see what kind of shape he's in. Not good." Louis whispered before hanging up.

(A/n: sorry for all the time skips but I'm getting ya to the good parts lol)

------skip about a week forward------------
It's been a week since I left. A week since I left everyone. I can't help but to think about that skype call ALL week long! I'm just curious if Liam is planning everything.
I go downstairs and sit on the couch, watching Tv, while feeding Hazel her bottle. As soon as I sit, I feel my phone buzz. I look to see its Louis so I pick up, "Hey Lou..." I say softly. "Hey mads, I know this is hard to ask but can you please come home? We all miss you. You don't have to talk to Liam, he has agreed to stay away until you're ready to see him." I hear Louis say. I sigh heavily, and sit there for a minute thinking. I mean I DO miss everyone, and I can't punish them because of Liam. I stay silent a few more minutes before I whisper into the phone, "I'll be there in 2 hours."

I get up and explain to my family what I planned on doing. Although, they weren't sure, they supported my decision. So, I packed all my stuff, put it in the car, along with Hazel and once again started my journey back to the house I loved. I spent the whole 2 hours contemplating if I wanted to talk to Liam or not. I don't think I'm ready but I also don't like him being upset.

-------time skip-------------------

I arrive, and as soon as I step out of the car, I see all my friends come to tackle me in a hug. Haley and Cami scream, "WE MISSED YOU!" And the boys nodded in agreement. They all helped me carry my stuff in and get it settled back where it was before. Since Hazel hadn't slept the whole way here, I fed her then laid her down for her nap.
I walked back downstairs and saw everyone getting the video games out, and I smiled widely. I yelled, "SHALL WE PLAY FIFA BOYS?" while smirking since I'm good at it. They all nodded we seperate X into teams. Girls VS boys. This should be good.

In the end I absolutely crushed the boys by myself since Cami and Haley gave up pretty quickly. "NO WAY! I want a rematch next time!" Louis and Niall whined. I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up, "I'm going to get water I'll be back." I said. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cold bottle out of the fridge, took a drink and began walking back into the living room. When I got back, HE was there, by himself with his guitar. I looked down, uncomfortably.

He motioned me to sit down with his hand, and I did. He sat in a chair across the room, not saying anything for a couple minutes before he finally said, "Maddie, I-I know that I m-messed up pretty b-badly" he was nervous? Why? "And I've been thinking of a way to show you that I truly care for you and Hazel. I didn't mean any of the things I said when we talked last. I was just stressed. So I decided to use the only way I know. Singing. So I wrote this song." He finished before the other boys walked out and stood behind him. I got comfortable, and crossed my legs, suddenly becoming nervous.
He softly strummed his guitar and began singing:

Said I'd never leave her cause her hands fit like my tshirt, tongue tied over 3 words, cursed. Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt bodies intertwined with her lips

Next, Niall started singing:

Now she's feeling so low since she went solo, Hole in the middle of my heart like a Polo. And it's no joke to me, so can we do it all over again?

Now everyone sang:

If you're pretending from the start like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss can mend your broken heart, I might miss everything you said to me

And I can lend your broken parts, that might fit like this, and I will give you all my heart, so we can start it all over again.

They all finished with an amazing last note. By the end my eyes had tears. I cry to much UGH. I stood up and so did Liam. He started talking again, "I know I've already said it but I'm SO so so so sorry. Please give me anot-" before he could finish, I ran up to him and kissed him like it was the first time again.
I wrapped my hands around his neck, and messed with his hair. While his hands were cupping my face, almost as if he was making sure it was real. We pulled away and I hugged him tightly. Liam kissed my forehead and whispered, "I will NEVER do that ever again, I promise. I was stupid. I'm sorry." I looked up at him and said, "You can stop apologizing Li, I forgive you. It's okay." while putting my hand on his face, gently rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

We stood there just holding each other for what seemed like eternity, stealing kisses every now and then. I'm so glad everything I better now. I'm glad I got my Li back.

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