Chapter 14

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It had been hours since rehearsal and I was beyond excited for tonight! I can't believe the girls actually get to sing with me! It had been our dreams since we were younger! I was walking around backstage before heading to side stage to get ready to go on. "You girls ready?" I asked excitedly. "YES", "OF COURSE", "OMG" was all I heard. I giggled then walked out on stage, getting ready to introduce the girls. "Okay guys! Tonight I have a special surprise for you guys! I'll be singing Mercy by Shawn Mendes, and to join me I'll have my best friends and sister, Cami, Haley and Sidda!" I said waving them out and clapping.

They all ran out with excitement and waved at the crowd. We all got in a half circle formation and waited for the music to begin. First, I started just to help the girls' nerves pass:

You've got a hold of me, don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet, but I fall when I'm around ya

Next, Cami goes:

Show me an open door, then you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore, I'm saying baby

Then we all joined in:
Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy


The last bit of the song played, and I immediately went in for a group hug. "WE DID IT GIRLS!". They all screamed with excitement before leaving the stage to let me finish my set.

After I had done my set, I ran off stage and waited for the boys to go on. Once again they did AMAZING as usual, and they never cease to amaze me.

I had gone back to the dressing room about halfway through the show to pick up Hazel from Lou. I walked in and saw that she was taking a nap in her portable play pen. I walked over to Lou and gave her a hug, "thank you so much for watching her! It means a lot!" Lou just shook it off, "No problem! I love children, and I want to help in anyway I can!". She left after that to go, attend to some business. And I stayed to watch over Hazel.

A couple hours had passed, and I was just feeding Hazel when I heard a knock on the door, "COME IN!" . As I expected it was my sweet husband. "Hey babe! How did the show go?" I asked curiously. He nodded and said, "yeah! Feels great to be back out on the road again!" . He had the biggest smile and you could tell he was just so happy. I smiled back at him, and got up to give him a kiss on the cheek. I was so lucky to have such an amazing family and surrounding. Liam and I decided to head to the tourbus, as we were leaving to the next place tonight. As we were walking Liam spoke up, "ya know you and your friends did amazing tonight.... you guys really go well together!".

"Thanks, Li! Yeah we have been singing together since we were teenagers! It's just something we all love! We practically grew close by singing 1D's music." Saying that made the situation so surreal. We are touring with the guys who changed our lives, and I'm married to one of them. Wow. "I'm glad we could help you guys be so close! I love seeing you so happy, babe!".

A/N: so guys.... I'm kinda running out of ideas for this book.... so I can't really update until I'm out of this writers block. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them in the comments! Thanks!

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