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You blush as Kaneki gives you a big *friendly* hug.

The room turns bright and everything, fighting, games dissappear.

Then you realize, there is no ways for others to take over your spot. You were happy, not really that no one can take over your spot, more of Kaneki being safe.

Kaneki looks at your face and smiles. He stretches your cheeks like a marshmellow laughing.

"You look like a Hamster [y/n]-chan~" Kaneki tells you laughing.
You laugh.

Kaneki offers a hand, you hold his hand and head outside to the building. It is dark outside, you literally had your whole day in that building.

As you and Kaneki head to your house holding each other's hand, you meet them.

Rize, Hide, Juuzou, Touka and more. All they do is stare at you like they know what happened.

As they see you holding the crown, they crowd you around.

They bow down, aplogizes of what they had done. You guys are all friends again. You were very happy because Hide and Kaneki got so close.

You actually wanted to be close with Touka but she was to shy so she acted sassy.

Kaneki told them the whole story, they were very suprised.

Hide looks at you and Kaneki.

"You know what? You guys look good together" Hide says like he is serious but joking. Kaneki hits Hide *friendly punch*. "Stop~~" Kaneki whines. Everyone laughs.

It is late, everyone head to their home.

You hold Kaneki's hands and head home too.

"Uh... [y/n], I was just asking..."Kaneki mumbles.


"Is it okay if I stay at your house for the rest of the time?" Kaneki asks.

"Uh....uh...okay? why not?" You reply.

"Thanks" Kaneki tells you with a smile.

You smile at him back.

You arrive at your place and head in. It felt like you hadn't been home for years even though it was actually just a day.

Kaneki asks "May I use the bathroom first?"

you nodd.

You offer your shirt and pants you don't realkt wear.

Kaneki heads in the washroom and takes a shower. You sit on the sofa and take a deep breath.

There is too much you need to worry about.

Your house, Kaneki, your friends.

You get some coffe and take a sip.
As Kaneki heads out of the washroom, he drys his hair crazy with the towel. You smile.

You head into the washroom with your clothes taking a shower.

As you shower, you think.

Wow....I am living with a boy now.... Like I don't mean it is bad...but....just weird....

You shower as fast as you can because you didn't want Kaneki to wait.

-Time pasts -

"Kaneki, we should sleep in the living room." You give kaneki a idea.

"Sure, why not?" Kaneki nods.

You get your blankets and pillows and lye down on the floor.

You turn around. You and Kaneki's face are so close. You look away.

"Is there anything wrong? "Kaneki asks you seeing your face red.

"Ah...No, no...I was just...thinking. .." You reply him fast.

"Okay then, good night, sweet dreams~" Kaneki tells you as he stands up to turn on the light.

You cannot fall asleep with a boy right next to you. So close, you can't even breath properly.

Kaneki falls asleep first.

You move around so many times.

Then Kaneki puts his arms around you. You freak out. You couldn't move his arm away since you didn't want to wake him up.

You just close your eyes to fall asleep.

-Next morning-
You wake up because you couldn't sleep anymore. It was 9:00 am.

You itch your tummy forgetting Kaneki was here. Kaneki stretches. You freak out and act like you weren't doing anything.

"Good morning~" Kaneki tells you.

"yes, good morning^^"You reply back.

wow, he sure is very positive

Kaneki itches his head and laughs at your moring face. You laugh at Kaneki too.

"[y/n], you know I was thinking. ...." Kaneki mumbles.

"what? what is it?" You get curious.

"Nah, nothing. ..." Kaneki looks away.

"No tell me!!" You punch Kaneki softly.

"You know from the first day, you got caught in my eye..." Kaneki mumbles.

"o...k?" You continue hearing the story.

"So I was thinking if it's okay know?" Kaneki blushes.

"..? XD" You laugh like you totally got everything.

"You like me [y/n]?" Kaneki asks closing his eyes tight.

"Ekk!! I..I mean.... you are a kind friend.... like I don't ming going out with you are anything. ..." You get quieter.

Kaneki has a big smile on his face. "Thanks [y/n]!" Kaneki shouts as he hugs you tightly.

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