chapter 10: Which one is the right one?

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Owen gave me the rose and a kiss on the cheek.
"See you later babe"he said and gave me a flirtatious wink before leaving the hallway and exiting the school. I was completely stunned from what had just happened first of all that was the most romantic thing ever and secondly how did he get into the school  and wasn't he supposed to be in class at his own school in another town so what was he still doing here.

I ran to Ryan's locker and pulled her into the ladies room.
"Look what Owen gave me"I said and showed the the blood red rose in my hand.
"OMG!!!! that is so...... romantic"she said gushing over the rose in my hand
"I know he is so sweet"I said with a huge grin on my face
"You don't see Brandon doing such things for you"she said while folding her arms
"I guess so but-"
"But nothing if he really liked you he would have made an effot"Ryan rudely interrupted
I put the rose in my bag and walked out the bathroom to get to my locker but I bumped into someone and my bag fell on the floor and so did the rose.
"Sorry"I said
"Its cool"he said and I remembered that voice I just bumped into Brandon
He picked up the rose and lifted and eye brow
"Buying flowers for yourself is kinda sad isn't it"he said with a smile
"Who says its from me"I said and took the rose from his hands
"Emily you know that I really like you why are acting like this"he said
"Acting like what"I asked
"You know going out with other guys and ignoring me"he said
"Because you didn't seem interested in me and you had a girlfriend"I yelled
"I know I'm sorry about that but can you at least give me a chance to explain myself"Brandon asked and went down on his knees
"Sure"I said with a small smile on my face
I couldn't say no to him he looked so adorable on the floor begging me to give him a second chance that just shows me that he really does care.
He stood up from the floor
"Pick you up at 8"he said giving me a wink than walking away which he loves doing and that just makes me melt . I think he knows that .


I got ready for my date with Brandon but since I didn't know what type of date it was I went casual with a yellow Sun dress and demin jacket with white sneakers(allstars) and my hair in a cute messy bun. With red lipstick to make my lips pop.Brandon came up to my room without me even knowing I'm just lucky I wasn't shaving when he came in. He pulled me to him and gave me a hot steamy kiss and took my hand . We got into the car and he gave me a small box
"What is this?"I asked
"Just open it he said"he said
I hesitated but than opened the box to find my name in gold on the necklace which was also gold.
"Wow Brandon its beautiful"I said gushing over the necklace
"Not as beautiful as you"he said than gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Let me help you put it on"he offered
Brandon took the necklace and tied it around me neck and than kissed my neck which made my heart skip a beat.
We arrived at a carnival and he opened the car door for me and put his arm around my shoulders not wanting to let me go.
"What do you want to do first"I asked
"How about the tunnel of love"he said than gave me a quick peck on the lips.I don't know what is going on with Brandon by I love it . It's like he took a class on smoothology or something and it was working all I could think about was him.
We arrived at the tunnel of love and started making out in it we never wanted to leave so went on it like 10 times I was kinda out of breath after that and needed something to drink.
"Hey do you wanna grab something to eat"I said
"Ok"Brandon said
We headed straight for corndog stand and waited in line when a boy bumped me and cut in front of me.
"Excuse me I was here first" I said nicely
"Yeah so what"he said rudely
"I think what she's trying to say is get to the back of the line"Brandon said
"Hey dude let the hideous bitch talk"he insulted me
"Hey don't talk about her like that dude"Brandon defended me
"Or what you gonna make me tough guy"the guy yelled
"Maybe I will"Brandon yelled
Before another fight happened because of me I pulled Brandon away and went to the Ferris wheel.we got on the wheel and starred up at the stairs.

"You know what that guy said was wrong right"Brandon said pulling me closer and cuddling with me
"I know"I said and felt a chill
Brandon could see I was getting cold so he gave me his jacket.
"What about you"I asked
"I'll just have to keep warm with your body heat"he said with a smirk
We were both silent for a few minutes when Brandon lifted up my chin.
"To me you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world"he said than kissed my forehead.
I could not of thought for a better night out with Brandon.

I finally got home after my extremely amazing and romantic date with Brandon to find 3 missed calls from Owen I phoned him back to see why he had called.
"Hey Owen"I greeted
"Hey Emily"he replied
"So why did you call earlier and sorry for not picking up I was kinda busy"I opologised
"It's cool I just wanted to take you out on a date that's all I guess"he said
"Oh ok"I said
"Can I ask u something"he asked
"Sure why not"I said
"How was your date with Brandon"he said

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