chapter 16: Blind date

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"What are you doing here?" I asked
Owen took a step back.
"My dad and I were invited" he said
"Yeah by my dad" I yelled
My dad looked at us confused.
"Do you two already know each other" he asked
"Umm yeah we went to school together before I moved" I said awkwardly
"Ok that's nice well I'm gonna go talk to my boss see you two love birds later"he said winking at Owen and walking away.
Brandon came out of hiding and out his arm around my waist.
"What's he doing here?" Brandon asked angrily
"I'm here because her dad invited me" Owen replied back
"Why would he do that?" He asked me
"My dad did not know that me and Owen knew each other and Owen has never met my father so my dad tried to set us up"I said annoyed
"Too bad she already has a boyfriend" Brandon said laughing
"Are you sure about that"Owen said back folding his arms with a smirk on his face
"100%" I said happily
I kissed Brandon's cheek.
"I think its 99.9%" Owen said winking at me than walking away.

Brandon and I started kissing when I heard someone coughing. I opened my eyes to find my dad folding his arms looking at me angrily.
"Hey dad"I said pushing Brandon away
"Who is this?" He said angrily
"This is Brandon my..... b- .. boyfirend" I finally built up the courage to say it
"What about Owen" he asked his right eyebrow lifted higher than the other.
"We didn't really cliche" I said awkwardly rubbing my arm
"Its a pleasure to meet you sir" Brandon said extending his hand
My dad took his hand and shook it
"Nice to meet you to young man" my dad said weirdly nice
"If you two would excuse me I have to go somewhere"dad said
"Its fine dad I'll catch a lift with Brandon" I said taking Brandons hand and squeezing it.
"Ok see you at home" dad said waving goodbye he walked away into the parking lot .

Brandon took my other hand and pulled me closer.
"Wow that was a rush" he said
"I m know right" I rolled my eyes
"At least now your father can't set you up with more blind dates" he laughed


Brandon dropped me at home and went to get a bite in the kitchen when I heard my parents talking, I hide in the kitchen cabinet.
"What are we gonna do about Emily" my dad said
"I don't know but we have to get her to move" Kee-Kee said
"I'm not gonna let this bitch get my daughter"dad said
"Yeah that bitch and her tacky clothes" Kee-Kee laughed
I got so mad that I jumped out of the cabinet . And Kee-Kee and my dad got the shock of their lives
"Emily what are you doing in their" my dad asked
"Never mind that I have something to say to Kee-Kee" I said pointing my finger at her.
"How dare you call my mother's clothes tacky when you are sporting a cheetah print crop top with thigh high shorts at your age, Kee-Kee your old accept that and because of your gold digging ways my father had an affair with my mother you slut!" I yelled at her
But before my dad could tell at me I pushed him into a corner.
"Now you listen I'm not listening anymore , you cheated on mom with this tramp and ruined our entire family because you wanted a tramp but just remember this she will leave your sorry ass as soon as a younger, richer man comes along and we won't be here to pick up the pieces when it happens and lend you money when she dries up your bank account!" I yelled at my dad than stormed off to my room and there wad silence.
I woke up from my 2 hour nap actually feeling happy with myself and I know that's kinda mean but who cares I spoke my mind and the truth. I went to the living room to find my mom sitting with files and folders,pictures and papers.
"Hey mom what are you doing" I asked then sat down beside her
"I'm working on a new case" she said
"Oh what's it about" I asked
"This man wants custody of his 2 year old daughter even though he was never there a and played no child support" my mom laughed
"Now why is this actually going on because well he is gonna lose" I said
"Because he said that he had not known about his daughter until a few days ago" my mom says
"Oh ok" I said confused
"And also the mother is a drug addict so it's hard to see who will win a drug addict mother or a father that wanst there for her who could be a rapist or murderer" she said sadly
"Wow that's so sad" I said a tear came out of my right eye.
I went outside to find my dad's car gone.
"Hey mom where's dad's car?" I asked
"Him and little bitch went to a hotel" she said with a smile.
Brandons car pulls up and I say goodbye to my mom. I enter the car and give him a sweet kiss.
"So what's with the nice surprise" I asked smiling
"I thought you needed a break of the whole drama" he said kissing my forehead
"That's so sweet so where are we going ?" I asked
"To my house you are gonna officially meet my family" he said
"Really?" I asked
"Really" he said seriously
"Its about time" I laughed
We arrived at his house and all his brother's and sisters were playing in the humongous back yard and his parents were by the grill.
"Mom and dad this is Emily" he said gesturing to me
"Nice to meet you finally" I said looking at Brandon
"Its finally nice to meet you too" his mom said
"Call us Bill and Anne" Bill said
"OK" I said
We went to the children and introduced me to them.
"Emily this is Joey,Steve,Annabelle,Lisa,Fiona,Clarissa and of course you know Lilly"he said rolling his beautiful blue eyes.
"Nice to meet you all"I said with a smile

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