chapter 18: the L word

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My head was pounding and my body was aching.
"She's awake!" I heard someone yell
"Thank god" I heard a male voice say
Suddenly I saw two dark blobs in front on me . My vision became clearer and it was my parents standing in front of me. My mother's eyes blood red probably from crying and tears by here  eyes. My dad just had a frown that's it. Thanks so much dad for not caring if I die or not. I tried getting up but my body was so sore.
"Don't get up honey tour body is still recovering"my mom said sadly
"What happened?" I asked
"You were in a car accident"dad said
"You are very lucky Emily, you just broke your leg and have some scratches in ur face"mom said putting her hand over my stomach.
"How long am I gonna be in hospital?"I asked
"Actually we were waiting for you to wake up for us to leave because you were unconscious for 5 days"mom replied
"I have to see Brandon he should know where is my phone"I looked for my phone and couldn't reach it.
My mom stopped my hand.
"Brandon already knows, actually his waiting in the waiting room every day, he comes at 8:50 am and leaves 11:30 pm" she said with a smile
"Can I see him?"I asked
"Sure"my mom said
She opened the door and Brandon came in. My dad and mom left closing the door behind them. Brandon sat down next to the bed and took my hand.
"I'm so glad you woke up"he said
"Thanks for waiting"I said
"Always"he replied
"Well thanks again"I said shyly
"Emily I -" he hesitated
"Huh?" I asked confused
"Never mind" he said sadly
I got up bairly and Brandon picked me up in his arms. My parents took my bags and we went into my dad's car.
Me and Brandon sat very close to each other and I fell asleep in his arms. Which I'm kinda used to by now. Brandon picked me up again and carried me into my room and put me on my bed.
"Night beautiful"he said than kissed me on my cheek.
"See you tomorrow" he said than left the room.
I was so tired and sore from this whole experience . Than after Brandon called me beautiful I just realised why I felt so bad in the inside . Owen called me beautiful too and he kissed me. How was I gonna tell Brandon and was he gonna forgive me or break up with me. I was so scared to loose him but I have to find the perfect time to tell him. The next morning came painfully quickly and I was still terrified to tell him but I have to get it done and over with.
I couldn't move my body so I stayed in bed and I thought that if he saw me helpless that he wouldn't be so mad at me.
Brandon came 10 minutes earlier than he said that he was gonna come. He sat down next to me and I put my hand on his.
"I tried telling you in the hospital but the words just would come out but now I'm ready, Emily I love you"he said shyly
"I love you too"I said
I kissed Brandon but I had to tell him what happened.
"We need to talk"I said scared
"About what?" He asked
"The night of the accident I was at the coffee shop near the beach and Owen was also there"I stopped
"Ok now I'm kinda scared"he laughed
"We got stuck in the shop and had to wait until the doors would open and in the stampede I fell and Owen catched me than he kissed me"I said
Brandon looked down at the floor for a few seconds than took his hand away from mine and stood up in front of the bed.

"Did you kiss him back?"He asked sadly
"Yes"I said than hung my head
"Wow just wow"he said but I could hear that he was hurt.
"I'm sorry I was just caught up in the moment and it will never happen again"I cried
"I don't know if I can believe you anymore"he said putting his hands behind his head.
"You can I love you not Owen"I cried more
He opened the door than looked at me.
"I think we need a break , I just need some time to think"he said
I saw a tear run down his face and than he left the room and closed the door.
I started crying and and fell asleep crying on my bed filled with used tissues and chocolate.


Today I have to face Brandon and his anger towards me. I am gonna try my best to fix my relationship with Brandon because i really love him . I was bairly making it to my classes with this stupid crutches when I fell over and hit the ground. Someone took my crutches and pulled me up from the ground.
"Are you okay?" He asked
A tall black haired boy who kinda looks like the hot guy the girl falls in love with in the end of the movie The Duff. And I have to say I did not complain. He put my arm around his shoulder and took my waist.
"Its fine you don't have to help me"I said sadly
"Its cool I love helping pretty girls"he said
"Well thank you but my class is just there so...."I gestured
"My names Jordan and yours?"He asked avoiding the topic of my class.
We walked pass my class.
"My class is over there"I said
"I'm not gonna stop until you tell me your name"he smiled
"Fine... My names Emily"I said
"Nice to meet you Emily" he replied
He walked me into class and sat me down in my desk.
"Thanks"I said
"No problem"he winked than walked away.
There cannot be another guy I a ready have so many guy problems. At lunch I tried to find Brandon and when I found him someone pushed me on the floor hard and I mean hard.
"Nice crutches bitch" Isabella laughed
She shasheyed away and flipped her hair.
Brandon saw and ran up to me and helped me up.
"Thanks"I said giving him a smile
He didn't say anything just looked at me than walked back to his table and his friends leaving me alone. Ryan sat down next to me and gave me a look.
"How could you do that to Brandon Emily"she said angry
"Owen kissed me"I replied
"But you kissed him back"she said
"Wait... how do you know about all this I haven't told you yet?"I asked
"The entire schools talking about it"Ryan said taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Is that why Isabella pushed me"I asked
"Duh that's her brother" she said rolling her eyes
"What they are related!"I yelled
"Yip,  twins"she said taking another bite
Some blond haired boy stood in front of us and thats when I realised who is was.
"Can I sit here"Owen asked
"What are you doing at my school"I asked
"I go here now"he laughed
"What since when?"I asked pushing myself up from the seat.
Brandon saw Owen and walked here with his enitre squad of friends.
"What the hell are you doing here!"Brandon yelled punching his fist on the table.
"I attend this school now"Owen said smugly looking at me
"Don't even think about it she's mine"he yelled
"I am"I interrupted
He looked at me and came closer. He took my waist.
"Of course you are, I love you"he said
He kissed me and I could here Ryan's awwing .
"Sure,kiss you later Emily"he said than walked away.
"If he thinks that he has a chance with you I'm gonna beat him up"he said angrily
I turned Brandon's head towards me.
"I meant what I said , I love you"I said and gave him a smile.
Me and Brandon were back to our old ways . We were walking in the hallway when Isabella walked in front of us.
"Brandon you are really going back to this slut"she yelled at him
"Hey izzie watch your tongue"he yelled back.
She gave me a look than walked away.
"You told me that you have eight siblings" I said
"Yeah well I didn't want you to find out that Isabella was my sister well because you too don't get along well"he laughed
"But not just your sister your Twin sister"I said
"Yip, she was at the movies when you met the rest of my family"he replied
"This is gonna make it even more difficult for us isn't it"I breathed loudly
"Yes but we'll make it"he said than kissed my cheek.

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