Chapter 11: Bite Me

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I bite his hand hard and he growls before pulling his hand away.

He examines it for punctures.

"Don't silence me like that," I shrug and he glares at me.

I hear soft mumbles and faint growls.

"She bit the Alpha's son?"

"Is she allowed to do that?"

"That's our new chosen Luna?"

I hear Mr. Peep chuckle.

"Strong spirit, we will break and tame the disobedience within you," he vows.

"Good luck."

"Father, she isn't trained," Jacob reasons.

"I don't care. She will transition tonight, and battle tomorrow. We shall see how spirited you will be then," Mr. Peep laughs. The pack follows his lead.

Their laughs echo through the clearing.

I can't see them, I feel lost and angry.

"Begin the hunt; I don't want this to take forever. Keep her around the cabin for her transition," Mr. Peep orders.

Then Jacob is dragging me through the forest again.

"I'm going to give you a gun. Please aim right, I don't feel like watching you cry because the animal didn't die quickly," Jacob commands as I trip over things I can't see.

"Jacob, I can't even see out here," I whisper, my voice is shaking.

He stops and I can feel him pull me into a hug.

"You can do this. It's what you want isn't it," he says softly against my hair.

"Yes, but kill... a gun; I don't think I can Jacob," I say.

"I would do it for you if I could, but you must kill something to activate your wolf," he sighs.

"Jacob... what did you kill," I asks.

"I killed a deer. It wasn't anything unusual and it was hunting season. Nothing I did was illegal," he says calmly.

"What am I supposed to kill," I ask.

"I don't know; that's for you to decide."

"I don't want to kill," I mumble.

"It's a part of becoming a wolf, do you want to transition or not," he grumbles and begins leading me blindly through the forest again.

"I do, but I can't kill something," I reason.

"There's only one other way to make you transition," he says softly.

"How do I do that," I ask.

"I... have to bite you," he says.

"You mean mark me? Weren't you going to do that earlier," I ask.

"No, my wolf was getting carried away. Marking you is a big deal. It means you are mine and I am yours," he says spinning around to me.

"It's committing to me completely; it means no other may touch you. You may love no other," he explains his eyes full of passion and certainty.

I close my eyes.

Was I ready to stand by his side?

Was I ready to admit that a part of me loved him?

Was I willing to let myself be dragged into something I can't step out of?

Am I ready to drop all feelings I have for Wesley and Austin?

No, I wasn't. I never would be, but this isn't just about me anymore; I can't be selfish.

"Mark me," I finally whisper. I hear him breathe a sigh of relief. As if those words made everything much more clear for him.

He pins me to a tree, I look up at him. His eyes hold love and desire. I can see their blue turning black.

The trees seem to swirl around his presents as if holding them up with his shoulders, almost becoming one with them. He leans in and his hot breathe tickles my neck.

His teeth graze over my skin. "Daisy, are you ready to be my mate?"

He doesn't let me answer, his teeth plunge into my neck and I gasp.

His hand grips my wrists and forces them above me. His other hand keeps my face turned away from him. I feel my blood trickle down the new wound. His teeth dig in just a bit more.

The pain is excruciating, I can't even scream because I'm trying to focus on breathing.

"Jacob, s-stop," I beg but he doesn't let go.

I force my eyes to shut, and finally I scream.

My body feels hot, too hot. He lets go.

Then he's lifting me into his arms.

"I'm sorry, stay awake. You must stay awake," he begs but I'm losing myself.

"Don't fall asleep, you must show bravery through the transition," he begs.

I feel like I'm floating, we are going so fast.

I feel pain, but also lightness.

Then I feel my arm begin to twist, my eyes snap open.

Jacob is staring down at me as he runs. The bone snaps and I scream.

"Hold on Daisy, hold on," he begs and runs faster.

My other arm begins to twist.

"Make it stop, oh make it stop," I sob as he sets me on the cool grass.

"Please Daisy, be strong. I can't make it to the cabin," he says.


Do not compare this to vampires,  because it's not. Vampire bite for blood. Werewolves bite to mark their loved one as their own mate. There is a difference. Do you think she should've choose Wesley? Or is Jacob her perfect match?

Please Comment what you think below! :)

~Kisses Bookaholic

***End of A/N***

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