Chapter 6: Mind of My Own

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Ian's question made me think a while even when I was meeting everyone.

"So Nina want's to come back. She thinks that it should be easy for her and it will," Paul explains and I nod like I am paying attention.

Then Julie walks in. "Um Daisy... There is someone here but I told him to leave... he won't," Julie says with annoyance in her voice. Then Jacob walks in with a phone to his head but he hangs up when he sees me.

"Where the h**l have you been," he snaps and I step back. "I've been at Wesley's' I wouldn't have gone if you hadn't been so rude," I say. Ian and Paul glance at me and so does Candice.

"He isn't going to be a problem right," Julie asks and I frown. "I'm so sorry. Um- can I just start tomorrow...Jacob please don't make a scene," I whine and hurry away from the crew.

Ian grabs my arm and gives me a worried look.

"Get your hands off my fiancé! Daisy your behavior is unbelievable," Jacob growls yanking me away from Ian.

Ian lets go and steps back.

"Fiancé?" Ian says and gives me a concerned look.

"Jacob not now, plus you're one to talk! Bring up my ex-boyfriend cheating on me was a low blow and it pissed me off," I snap trying to keep my voice low.

Jacob's grip on my arm tightens a bit, "get in the car we are leaving."

I pull myself free and step away from Jacob brushing off my dress. "Julie," I say and she nods to me before I turn and walk away. Jacob grabs my elbow and I groan as he pulls me out of the building.

"Would you quit it! I am not so child you can boss around! And now you're messing with my career too," I snap as he opens my door and shoves me forward.

"You'll get over it; I promise," Jacob growls slamming the door on me and hurrying over to the drivers side.

Once the car has started he zooms out of the parking lot and glances at me.

"What were you thinking? I was so worried! I was losing my mind over you! I thought you had been hurt or worse kidnapped," Jacob shouts and slams his hands onto the steering wheel.

I jump at the sudden out burst and scoot away from him.

"Well I wasn't. Sam knew where I was and I told him not to tell you," I say and cross my arms. He looks over at me.

"Fine that's just great. Of course he obeys the freaking Luna. Daisy there is something... I-I have to show you," Jacob says with a small sigh.

"Jacob... look I know I've made you mad but I have no idea what you are talking about," I say and grab on to my phone tightly.

"Just... when I show you don't... don't flip out or get scared because I-I would never ever hurt you," Jacob says and he stops the car.

I just now notice that we are right beside a forest and he is outside opening my door for me. I unbuckle and step out. I'm beginning to shake.

"Come on I can't do it out in the open. I have to show you in the forest," Jacob says.

Oh God! He isn't going to kill me is he?

No! Of course not shut up brain!


So... can you guess what Jacob and Sam are????

Hint-Hint... I think you amazing people already know ;)

Just kidding... well maybe . I'm sure you guys know you're pretty smart... okay I'll stop talking.

This just got weird. Not really but whatever... Anyways next chapter will be posted soon!

Love you all!

***End Of A/N***

P.S. Read the first book please!

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