Chapter 13: Same Page Now

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She hasn't woken up since the transition; it's been a whole day. She hasn't moved from her position on the bed.

I touch her face, it's soft. She's so peaceful sleeping, there's not a hint of worry or anger in her features.

She used to be happy all the time; at school her smile was brighter than anyone else's.

She made any situation good, fights to arguments. She could make anyone stop and think what they are doing is wrong. She could make anyone smile, and laugh, but since she's been with me... I haven't seen her smile that way.

"Please forgive me, for forcing this on you. I never should've had you engaged to me. I tore you away from a life that you adored. You still long for it, but I can't just let you go. I love you. I wish you could understand why," I whisper into her hair.

"I want you to be free, I truly do. Yet, at the same time I want to chain you down. I want to keep you at my side. I want you to fly so high you feel like you might touch the moon, but at the same time I want you tied so close to me it's like you can't breathe," I explain.

"I want you to socialize; I want everyone to adore you. I want you to realize that to me, you're perfect. Yet, I want to keep you away from everyone at the same time, to lock you away from their judging looks. I wish you could understand I want you to soar as far as you wish just as long as you take me with you. At least let me watch just how amazing you can be," I beg.

She doesn't respond.

"I want you to stay happy, I want you to live happy, and I want you to get everything out of life. Everything, even if it means... you have to leave me. Just let me see you smile from the bottom of your soul," I sigh.

Then I get up. I kiss her forehead; I brush a stray curl from her cheek. Then I'm gone. I dial my Father's number.

He picks up on the first ring. "Jacob."

"Father, I don't think I can do this," I say.


I wait for him to leave. Did he mean it? Everything he said, did he really mean it?

I sit up slowly. I don't feel different. In fact I feel fine, but I have the strong urge to run after Jacob.

"I love him... but I don't feel any different than before," I whisper to myself.

Jacob, I have to talk to him.

"Jacob! Jacob where'd you go," I shout and climb out of the bed. My legs collapse on me. I feel pain in them. That's different.

"Jacob, help me," I shout for him.

No one comes. Did he leave?

My phone, I need my phone.

I look up to the brown nightstand and there my monkey cased phone is.

I reach for it and yank it to me. Jacob doesn't answer; instead it goes to voice mail.

I frown. He's supposed to be here for me.

I finally call Wesley; he picks up on the second ring.

"Hello?" he says.

"Wesley, do you know where Jacob is," I ask and try to get up.

I gasp in pain, and stay where I am.

"No, are you alright Daisy," he asks. I hear a bit of shuffling.

"I'm fine, please call Jacob," I beg.

"He didn't answer you," Wesley asks.

"No, maybe he's in a meeting. Please just," I beg; "okay, calm down," he cuts me off.

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