Chapter 15: Say I Do...not?

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

"It's like your Father didn't know how to raise you girls, one of you knocked up and another seems to have her head in the clouds," Father booms.

Wesley is rubbing his throat and Daisy has her head down in defeat. Mother inspects her finger nails.

"Father don't take your anger out on Daisy, she doesn't control imprinting," I reason.

"Silence Jacob! I've let you run things accordingly; I won't stand for it anymore," he snares back at me.

I hold my tongue. Daisy makes eye contact with me, but right now I cannot protect her from the Alpha.

"You and your sister need to be taught a lesson! I've had enough of this nonsense with the both of you. Running my boys to the ground with your incompetent feelings," Father rants.

Daisy finally glares at Father.

"My feelings have never been taken account for at all. I'm forced to live with your son, forced to marry him, and forced to be some Luna to a pack I didn't even know about until a few days ago. So, Mr. Peep, don't you dare make this seem like I'm so spoiled brat because that is something I am far from."

She glowers at him and he glares at her.

Wesley goes to her side, "If you wish to banish her then I will take her; that would be a foolish choice, because the moment she's gone so is your son."

"Is that a threat," Mother sneers.

"No, it's a promise. Threats are for those who have no intention of carrying out what they have said," Wesley counters.

Daisy glances at me again, her head tilts at me; those big beautiful curls falling one after another to the side.

"Jacob would never leave his pack for her; not when his future is on the line," Father chuckles.

"Mine or yours Father? It seems to me you've forgotten that the women you patronize is my mate, marked and to be my wife in a few hours. I will become Alpha soon, and your words will mean nothing to me," I growl. Finally I've gained my voice back; I don't understand why I didn't have it sooner.

Father looks at me taken back by my response," you dare speak against me?"

"You've wanted nothing but the best for me, and right now the best for me is having Daisy by my side. No matter who else I must accept with her," I vow.

Daisy smiles at me and Mother walks over to her.

"My son has given you his heart, if you break it I will break you," Mother promises.

Daisy trembles but nods in understanding.

"I shall take my leave then, dear please follow. We must prepare for this wedding," Mother says and then with her head held high she walks out of the room.

Father shares a long glare with every one before leaving as well.

Daisy sighs, "I thought that would never end."

"I'm surprised you went against the Alpha, it takes a lot to break that obedience," Wesley states; clearly impressed.

"I broke it the night I made Daisy my mate," I sigh and then I look at Daisy.

"Jacob, are you truly ready to share me with Wesley," she asks.

"I don't think I'll ever like the idea of sharing you, but once you've marked us we will grow a brotherhood and will worry less over jealousy," I explain.

"Yes, but for now we shall be married," Wesley inserts and with that he kisses Daisy's forehead; gives a small nod to me and then he leaves closing the door behind him.

Daisy returns her gaze to me.

"I fear your Father will never forgive me for turning you against him," she sighs.

"You need not worry he cannot hate nor harm you. It is one of our most beloved laws; the Luna is to never be challenged by the old Alpha and Omega. Once they have stepped down you cannot be overruled," I explain.

"Jacob... my sister, is she alright?" Daisy sighs almost as if a piece of her is missing.

"Clover is alright, her child is perfectly health and Sam plans on remaining by her side as long as is okay with the Luna. It is looked down upon to have a mate with a child that is not their own," I mutter.

"Clover didn't even know she was to be married to Sam until it was too late," she reasons.

"Daisy, she slept with a past boyfriend of yours," I retort.

"Oh I know, it's just... she's my sister. Although I hate that she did it; I cannot punish her for it; or the child for her mistake," she sighs.

"You are too kind. A heart of gold."

"I suppose," she grumbles.

She glances back at the bed.

"Go on sleep," I order.

She yawns and slowly climbs back into bed.

"Get ready to say I Do," I chuckle as I exit the room.

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