Chapter Six [Part Two to Chap. 5]

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"You know I can look after myself right?"I said looking through the menu. "Yes, but you my asked me to so I am" he sat down across the room from where I was sat.Time to play. "Great"I passed him the menu. Shortly after he got on the phone and ordered the food. "30 minutes" Harry said "Okay?" I nodded. "You're such a bipolar person, did you know that?" I burted out.

"How?" he asked "Well.. you kissed me multiple times and that thing that happened with amber," I gritted my teeth "And Miss Halloway" He walked over an sat with me "1. Nothing happened with Amber. 2. Nothing is happening with Miss Halloway, she may have kissed me but that's all," Well that hurt. "and 3. Because I l-" The dopr bell rang. Just my luck.

He got up and answered the door. He what? loves me? but I can't love him. What about Scott or Miss Halloway? I want to love him and I think I do. He brought in plates and forks ect. and aat down placing the food on the coffee table. "It is okay to eat in here right?" he asked "Yeah.. what was you going to say? you?" I asked. I need to know. Now or Never. I prefer NOW.

"I forgot" of course you did. We began to eat. He put hia food down onto the table, as did I. "What's wrong?" I asked "I like this girl, she is beautiful," he spoke "But she's a student and I'm the teacher," It Amber, I knew it. "but she's more than that" he looked to me "Oh.. I'm sure you guys can keep it secret" not us then. oh. "It's not that easy, everytime I see her, I just want to feel her soft lips against mine," he closed his eyes and smiled. "But I can't and she knows it too, I think I'm in love with her" Say what now!?

"Can I know the girl?" I asked "She knows who she is" was all he said. "Amber" I stated "No, it's not her, especially not her or Miss halloway.. someone else" At this point his eyes were in direct contact with mine, staring deep in them. Me. I'm the girl. He pressed his lips against mine. yep. it's me. yes! Our lips moved in sync. He deepened the kiss, every second. Here come the butterflies. "Harry?" I said between kisses "am I.. the girl?"I asked. He pulled away.

"You're not just a student" he repeated. This is what I was. More. Much. More. He continued pressing his lips to mine. There was a knock on the door again. Fuck sake. Really? "I'll answer it" I said walking to the door sorting my hair out. Just in case. "Hello" I said opening the door. "Scott?" I said surprisingly. "Can I come in?" he asked "You can't, My mum and I are talking about something important" I lied.

"Well I just wanted to tell you, I don't think us can work" Score!! Play along... "What?" I said "You've cheated again havent you?" I stated and his face went went. "Again... Really?" I added "Look, I'm really sorry" he said "it's fine.. we tried..see you around" he nodded. I shut the door. Even though it sounds like I dont care.. In a way I do. It's like I am made to be messed around.

"Everything okay?" he asked "Everythings fine" I smiled. "Lets finish eating shall we?" I nodded. We continued eating the food and in a way being with Harry seems a lot better than being with Scott. I know me and Harry haven't know each other for that long - A few months - but it's a lot better. for now anyway.

The night went on and ended up replaying the same act as the fling. Jesus christ. "What time is it?" I asked "1.25am" he replied as I layed against his chest. He check his phone and as the curious person I am slyly looked. "I better go, for les suspicion" he stated. "Okay, see you later in English" I smiled. A fake smile may I add. I was not expecting that.. what I just saw. He kissed my forehead and left the house. I sat up. I feel used right now.

Jenny Halloway -
I'm at yours ;) ready? xx

After everything he just told me. I snuck by the window and saw Harry and "Jenny". I opened my window a little to hear what they were saying.

"Why are you here?" Harry asked.
"Too see you, silly" she said trying to move in for the kiss.
"Stop. I am not doing this with you"
"Why not, Harry? I know you love me" she threw herself onto him.
"I don't love you, I'm in love with someone else" he said, looking around. He spotted me. Shit.
"Whatever but you kissed me"
"I didn't kiss you, I gave you a simple smile and you pressed you lips to mine" I smiled.
"Now leave"

I saw her walk away, back to her car. She drove off. Harry walked inside. I got back into bed and just layed there. I fell to sleep and before I knew it the sun rose and I woke up.


Ooh. Tension already.. dun dun duuunn. One of my readers asked when I was going to update. It will be eveyday or even twice a day. :O depending on how many votes I get... so if I get 2 votes I'll update 1 chapter if I get 4 I'll update 2 and so on... so yeah.. I love your face.. don't forget to vote..  BYE!!

ooh.. so of you have asked to be in this story.. when I find the places to put you I will.. :)) thanks you my lovely readers.

Nearly 200 reads!!:)

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