Chapter One

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"Hey Jessie!" I called, as she turned around "Sam!" she squealed. This was Jessie. She was one of my bestfriends, she was known as the funny one. "Did you forget about me?" A male voice called "Andy!" we both shouted. This was Andy. The girl magnet. Every girl pretty much drooled over him.

He walked over to us, it was like one of those slow motion scenes in a film. "Hey guys!" Someone else called as Andy threw himself into us. "Des!" Andy pushed us away and walked over to him. "Thanks Andy!" We said in sync. Mr Ego. This is Des. The one with big ego.. a little to big, if I say so myself but at the end if the day he's always there incase one of get hurt.


We walked into school. "So has anybody got their tinetables for this term?" Des asked. We shook our heads. "I think we all get them in tutor period" I said. "Period" Jessie began laughing. "Oh for God sake, Jessie" Andy said, shaking his head. "You're such a immature person" Des said. We all walked in tutor and sat at our table.

"Hi Everyone!" our tutor began talking "How was summer?" she asked. "Amazing!" We all called out in sync. "Especially Sam!" Andy winked. "Shut up!" I glared. He smirked. "Really? What happened Sam?" our tutor asked. Andy shot me a glance. "I hung out with these guys!" I cheerfully said, even though me and Andy knew the truth. I wasn't with these guys. . . hardly.


I had a summer fling. If you could say that. I went clubbing with Andy one night. Let's just say that I got a little tipsy and ended up doing something that I don't actually regret, because I didn't regret anything that happened that night. The only down side to this 'fling' and that was - he was a lot older than I was. About 6 years older - he is 23, making me aged 17.

As bad as that seems - to me age doesn't bother me unless it's about 10 years different, thats too much for me. But Hey! Everything is fine as long he doesn't decide to work here. Let's hope not, shall we? 


"These are you new timetables for this year and next!" She handed them out to us. "Sam" she handed me, my timetable. New Teacher Alert! "There's a new teacher!"Jessie squealed "Called?" Des asked "Mr Styles!" she screamed. My eyes darted at Andy. "Oh no" We mimed at each other. "He's the new English teacher" I added " I have him first lesson" I gulped.

"I have him third!" Jessie grinned "Tell me if he's hot" She smile widely. The bell  rang. "Just pray it's not okay?" Andy reassured me "I hope not" He waved goodbye and we both walked in different directions. I got outside my classroom, took a deep breath and walked in. "Please take a seat" head of English said not making eye contact. I sat down in the empty at the back alone. yay! I get to be a loner for the lesson.

"This class is Mr. Styles" The head of English introduced him. I looked up making eye contact with them at the front. He smiled at everybody. "If there is any problems, I'm just next door" he left. "Hi guys" he waved "as you know I am your new teacher, Mr. Styles, is there anything you would like to know?" he asked. He looked over towards my direction. His eyes widended a little, As did mine.

Shit. . . I can't believe it's him. Shit. This lesson better go quick!  "How old are you?" a kid down the front asked. "I am 23" he responded. "Aren't you a little young to be teacher?" another question popped up. "I don't think so" he said, worringly. "Would you like to ask anything?" he said, looking in my direction again. "Er.. I.." I froze. I shook my head. "Okay. . . Well enough about me, let's crack on shall we?" he got a book and began to plan the lesson. "We are learning about Romeo and Juliet, the biggest love story, know to man"

I watched him standing at the front talking to the class, making jokes here and there, making the class laugh. Then his eyes caught mine. "Romeo and Juliet, had only met once and they already knew they were in love" he looked away and carried on talking to the other. What even was that? why did he look directly at me? Does he still remember me? I smiled to myself, biting my lip and looking away.


This was only the first chapter..obviously. If you like it please vote and comment - it encourages me to add more chapters.

Goal: 5 votes - for an update.

So.. yeah! if you like it then do that :) anyway I love your face... BYE!

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