much cuter...

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instead of waving at jeremie, justin half-hugged her this time. she looked really good. casual but good. she had worn the chain he had brought for her, it looked good on her fair neck. 

"let's head in." she said to all of them. 

~2 hours later~

"i am drink, no drunk, am i drunk, do i look drunk?" a very drunk jeremie asked scarlet. it was her birthday, after all the insisting by her friends, she had tried a booze. but..umm, maybe she had a little too much.

"no, jem. you don't look drunk. you are drunk." scarlet said, supporting her best friend so she wouldn't fall. 

"whose going to drop  her home?" jessie asked. "i really would but i have to rush." jessie added.

"i'll do it." justin volunteered. "i know where she lives. i'll drop her.." he said with a skeptical expression.

"i'll do it!" jeremie said raising her hand which jessie immediately put down. jeremie frowned. justin smiled.

"okay, cool. justin would you just give me a call once you reach, once she reaches actually." scarlet said.

"i'll do that." justin said.

"i'll do that!" jeremie said raising her hand again. 

"shut up, jem!" jessie said and jeremie frowned again. 

everyone said their goodbye's and headed towards their vehicles, so did justin and jeremie who was practically clinging on to him. 

"do you think i have rabbit teeth?" jeremie said showing justin her teeth.

he chuckled. "no." he said. "oh, okay." she said with a frown.

"what? did you want rabbit teeth?" justin asked. 

"yeas, i think they're kinda cute. but since you say i don't have them..." jeremie trailed off...he smiled. 

this was ridiculous!

"i think i'm going to sleep? do you want to sleep?" she asked again.

"nope, i have to drive." justin said.

"oh, i'll do that. i'll drive." jeremie said.

"later maybe." justin said.

"why? don't you trust me?" she asked.

"umm, you're kinda drunk right now jem." he said.

"what? that's ridiculous, i never drink! okay?" she asked and looked at him.

he nodded and smiled, she was much cuter when she was drunk definitely. 

I..umm, well love you..:)Where stories live. Discover now