ask her.

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"which dvds do you have?" jeremie asked justin. they were in justin's room and had settled on watching a movie. he pointed the left corner of his room which had a small drawer, jeremie walked upto it and opened it. there were almost 20 or so dusty cd's lying there. 

almost 15 of them were horror. and the others were random. 

"do you have anything apart from horror?" jeremie asked, terrified.

"uh..yea, couple of romance dvds here and there." he smiled. 

"A walk to remember?" she asked, holding the cd in her hand.

"yea, mum's" he said. she nodded. he came up to where jeremie was standing and stared at the cds as blankly as jeremie was. 'a walk to remember' was jeremie's all time fav, but watching it with justin? ummm...she wondered. 

"grudge or a walk to remember?" she asked. leaving the decision to him. if he was comfortable watching romance with her she was too.  he picked grudge and headed towards the dvd player. it made complete sense didn't it? he thought she wouldn't be comfortable and she thougght he wouldn't. like wow. 

they settled on the bed and justin switched off the lights. "is it too scary?" jeremie asked in a low voice. 

"you've never seen grudge?" he asked. she shook her head.

"umm, that depends, but, we can watch something else if you wish to.." he said.

"no, its fine." she said. acting brave. but just acting.  she was shit scared even before the movie had started. 

~half an hour later~ 

jeremie was terrified. the room was dark. she was curled up in a ball. her chin rested on her knees and she tried to keep up the brave drama. she looked at justin who was so comfortable. he was watching the movie like it was a comedy one. laughing everytime the white thing walked up to a person. ew! he looked at me and i quickly looked at the screen. his face was much more interesting than the movie. the expressions that crept up his face which varied as the movie changed scenes, were much more enjoyable. she could feel his eyes on her cheek and she had to really concentrate on the screen now. she was totally paying attention to the movie and that's when the ghost planned to show up. great. jeremie jumped to where justin was and now there was no gap between them. she still avoided eye-contact with justin. he smiled. jeremie's hand clung to justin's. her nails digging his skin everytime something scared her. she tried not to get too close but the movie just got more and more scary and she couldn't help but duck behind justin. he smiled at her. she smiled back. he liked the feeling of her hand clinging to him. he loved the way, her head got closer to his neck everytime she got scared. he loved the way...oh, why are we wasting time? he loved her. 

"jeremie." he said.

she managed a 'mm?' without looking away from the screen. 

"are you sure you want to watch this. we can simply not." he said. 

"no, i'm good." she said. he smiled.

"are you scared?" he asked. 

now she met his eyes. "no, i'm sitting here, slinging to you because i want to cuddle." she said sarcastically. and for once justin wished it wasn't a sarcastic comment. 

"right. sorry." he said. she placed her hand on his cheek and turned his head towards the screen. "watch." she whispered. he smiled. 

~1 hour later~

"phew!" jeremie exhaled as the movie ended. 

"how're you feeling?" justin asked jeremie with a smile.

"brave." she said and both of them smiled. 

~3 hours later~

jeremie could not believe she had spent the whole freakin day with justin. like she had only come to apologize. she had such a good time. 

"okay, i should really get going." she said. 

"leaving just yet?" he asked. 

"yeah." she said. "just yet." she added, emphasizing each word so he'd know that it wasn't just yet. 

he bit his lip in order to hide the embarressment. "i'll drop you." he said. 

"no, it's okay. i'll go." jeremie said.

"it wasn't a question." he said and pulled her out of the door. closing it behind them.

"i had a nice time." jeremie said quietly after a while.

"so did i." he rpelied. 

they smiled. justin wondered whether this was the right time to tell her, but moreover he wondered whether she felt the same way. this question bugged him and he knew there was only one way to get the answer- ask her. 

he parked the car near her house and both of them got out. he walked her to the front door and jeremie fished for her keys. before she could locate them her mom opened the door. she stood there with an angry expression which clearly meant trouble. but it was so usual for jeremie, she wasn't scared of it anymore. jeremie's mom looked at justin and then back at jeremie. 

"where were you?" she asked.

"out." jeremie said.

"it's 10." her mom said. 

"yea." jeremie said plainly. it's not like her mom would care if she ever came back home so what was with her now?

"do you not understand when to come home?" her mom asked.

"mom, can we talk about this later?" jeremie asked as calmly as possible. she did not want to create a scene with justin standing right there. 

"no, we surely cannot. answer me. where were you?" she asked.

"mom. i was out. i already told you." she said. 

"with a guy?" her mom asked.

"with justin." jeremie corrected. due to some reason she did not like the way her  mom addressed justin. he wasn't just some boy. 

I..umm, well love you..:)Where stories live. Discover now