I..umm, well love you..:)

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jeremie sat on her bed, curled up like a ball. she wondered, what had happened. a lot of confessions. she was happy she had said it to her mom, she still hoped she hadn't hurt her much. but she needed to know the truth right? and it had to be someday, was today. she could still fell the slap stinging on her cheek. she thought she saw her mom cry. she knew the reason was her. she felt guilty. this was unfair. whenever, her mom made her cry, she was positive her mom didn't regret it. then why did jeremie care so much? it was utterly embarresing too, the slap in front of justin, and the way he stood up for her. the way he wasn't scred to have her back. the time he had confessed his love for her. his words buzzed around her mind.


she wondered whether he was truthful, but the problem was if he wasn't her heart would literally break into a million pieces, because she was pretty sure she loved him... each and every moment she had sppent with him, spun through her brain. his voice, his assurance, his words, his touch. everything. all the times he held her, all the times he joked around, when he got mad at steve. she had to fight the butterflies. she had behaved in a wrong way. this was not what he deserved, it was just that she was so full of things at that moment, she was not ready to take all the stuff in. he probably never wanted to see her again. but she had to tell him. she had to let him know. text him? of course not. he'd probably think she was a coward. she had to meet him. now. she checked the time. it was 9:30 at night. she had no clue how much time she had spent like this, thinking. she got up from her bed, and wiped the last of tears that escaped her eyes. it was raining, more like pouring, but she didn't care. she had to go. it was liike adranaline.

~outside justin's door~

he opened the door, and saw a partly drenched jeremie, in front of her.

"jeremie?" he said taking a step closer. she moved back.

"did you mean ever word you said today?" she asked, hoping he would't break her heart.

"yes." he said, witha  serious face.

"justin i'm sorry, i was so full of thoughts,i.." she trailed off.

"it's okay. i understand." he said.

"and umm, it's pouring, jem. what are you doing here." he added.

"i wanted to say something." she said hesitantly. 

"yes?" he asked.

she looked into his adorable brown eyes fr just a moment. it was like she was looking into them for the very first time. she broke the gaze, and the words that came out next were too automatic.

"i..umm, well love you.." she said and looked at her soiled feet.

justin froze. he could not believe his ears, more like his luck. she had said it, finally. he chuckled.

"what's funny?" she asked, looking up suddenly.

this was rude, she started walking away, without caring to open her umbrella. the rain drenched her and she felt a cold arm wrap around her wrist. justin was there, behind her, getting wet as well.

"what's funny?" she asked again.

"you..umm, well love me?" he asked, okay this did sound absurd, even to her own ears. this was definatly not how someone expressed thier love. her face flushed with embarresment and she looked down, trying to hide a smile.

"come here." he whispered and pulled her close. he kissed her gently and it felt like the most perfect thing on earth to jeremie. they were kissing under the rain. her fingers in his hair. his hand around her waist. she knew she had a lot of problems to solve but they would be easier to solve now, with justin by her side. right now, all that mattered to her was justin. she loved him, he loved her, everything was going to be alright...

this is the end of the story guys...have you enjoyed it? <3 

I..umm, well love you..:)Where stories live. Discover now