Who is Mystical?

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Maddison's POV:
As I walked down the halls of my school listening to my music, it seemed everyone was whispering and gossiping about something. I pulled out my ear phones and pulled my long, brown hair up into a ponytail with my fringe out, like a messy rebel. "Hey Maddie!" A voice called out behind me, I turned around to see Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Violet and Cartman run up to me, "dude have you heard of the new superhero?" Stan asked as he puffed, was he running to me.

"No, who?" I acted clueless. "It's this new girl hero named Mystical, and she sounds so badass" Kyle explained more, "yeah and apparently she is super hot" Cartman added, making me remember his awkward flirting with me the night before. "Apparently she beat up a bunch of rapists from this woman and then stopped a handbag robbery later in the park" Kyle continued, "apparently the news is gonna interview the victims tonight". The bell rang then we all walked together to class with Stan and Kyle fangirling over the hero, Cartman downplaying how girl heroes could be lame and Violet arguing against him, while Kenny and I for once stayed silent.

We went to class and Mrs Garrison walked out the front and directed the class to, and I quote, 'shut the fuck up, the news is on'. We watched the projector as he turned up the volume in a hurry with excitement, "students there is a new girl hero in town" he/she jumped with happiness, why is everyone quoting on the girl part so heavily. Soon an anchor-man and woman appeared with breaking news, "everyone shut the fuck up" Mrs Garrison yelled for us to be quite (A/N: I don't know if I should make the teacher Mr or Mrs, comment below which one I should make him/her), I looked around to see everyone in the class intrigued onto the projector.

"Breaking news as reports of a new superhero has appeared in South Park, but this time it is a girl?" He questioned the last part, man they're really not use to girl heroes. "The name of the vigilante is unknown, but she had apparently saved a woman from possible rape and robbery, we have her right here" his co-anchor added. Then the lady I saved last night came onto the screen. "Hi Karen, hi Tom" she greeted the anchors with a smile, "so Joan, you said you were about to be raped and robbed by these men then this hero came in, what did she look like?, did she say who she was?" John interviewed her.

"No she didn't say who she was, but she looked like a teenager, and she had an all black, leather outfit, with long, purple hair, with a tight choker with a golden 'M' around her neck and she fought the thugs with throwing knifes like a professional" the amazed woman answered him. "Wow, throwing knives?!" The man seemed to be fan girling, making me giggle a bit, only to be shushed by the whole class who seemed to be enjoying the news report. "There was also a report from another woman claiming the hero saved her handbag of drugs from an unknown robber", well I didn't know the handbag was full of drugs. "She also confirms details in appearance but was never told the heroes' name" He continued. 
   "The vigilante's initial has been seen spray painted in purple onto the brick wall where the woman was attacked then saved" the man said as they cut to the brick wall with the letter M spray painted in a ghetto, graffiti manor, one of my best artworks. "But since her actually hero name is unknown she is only now to be known as Mystery Girl, from her initial M" the anchor added, really Mystery Girl was the best they got?

"Wait...I'm getting something" the woman informed but stopped to listen to her ear piece. "Oh my god, we have a caller who says he had met and talked to her, we are putting him on now" the woman on the news informed back to the audience, making the class gasp.

"Really?! well we apparently have him on now, yes caller are you there?" The man added. "Um yeah, hi it's the Coon" the voice answered, oh dear god not him. "Who?! it doesn't matter, did you really meet this mysterious girl?" The man jumped out of his seat in excitement, "what the fu-.....never mind, yes I have" Cartman was mad but somehow kept his cool. "What's her name?" The woman began to fan girl. "She said her name was Mystical, her and I are best friends" he added with confidence, yeah sure sure Cartman.

"Do you know when she'll show up again?" They asked at the same time, they are eager to find out more about me. "I don't know I'm gonna have to call her and ask her myself, but since I'm a good friend then I'll keep her identity a secret" the Coon added, I got a weird feeling when he pronounced friend like that. The Coon ended the call and a few moments later Cartman walked into our classroom, but I was the only one who noticed since everyone was glued to the news.

"Now for the troubling question, who is this hero?, and will we ever see her again?" The lady asked the audience with a rhetorical question. Everyone seemed to be praying that she would come back, but I knew the answer to the question.

Yes, yes she will. I smirked to myself.

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