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*****Tobys POV*****

The next morning I woke up to find Liz still asleep. Everyone else was upstairs. I slowly got up and put the blanket over her. I walked upstairs to see 3 boys running at me. "Toby! We need to go home and pack now!" Connor yelled at me.

"Wait. Why??" I ask running to get my stuff together.

"We have a surprise tour and we leave tonight." Braiden says.

"Wait. What about Liz. We can't leave her." I say concerned as I grab my hat and shoes. I put them on and look at everyone.

"I talked to mum and she said that if she wanted she can come. But it depends on what Braidens mum says." Riley said smiling.

"I asked and she said yeah. But we need to wake her up now to pack." Braiden says and I smile.

"I know how to wake her up....." I say smiling and we all run downstairs.

*****Lizs POV*****

I rolled over and curled up in the blanket. It was warm and soft. Just as I was sleeping I felt kisses on my lips. I knew right away it was Toby. I thought to myself. Got it. I sat up and hit my head on his. "Owwww Toby. That hurt!" I yelled.

"Oh my god. Liz. I'm so sorry." He says hugging me quickly. He kisses me head and I begin to giggle a lot.

"I love you Toby. And good morning to you too." I hug him back and smile.

"Liz. You need Togo upstairs and pack. Your gonna come one tour with us. We leave tonight." He smiled and I stood up. I ran up to my floor and I started to get my stuff together. Since everything was still in suitcases and bags I didn't really need to pack. I heard someone coming upstairs but I ignored them. I was still on the couch in front of my tv. They came in and sat next to me.

"Need help?" They ask. I look over to find Thomas. It scared me honesty and I began to laugh. He looked at me confused.

"Sorry. When I get scared I laugh. And since you snuck up on me it scared me so I laughed." I smile and he nods his head.

"And no I don't need help. I'm almost done." I say and he looks surprised.

"Wow. I always thought girls took forever to pack." He says.

"Some do. I don't." I laugh and zip up my suitcase. I put it down and I zip up my duffel bag. I walk downstairs and I put my bags by the door. Braiden runs downstairs with his bags and Thomas is behind him.

"Boys. We are gonna head home. Just come to our house when your ready." Connor says and I walk to Toby. I hug him close to me and rub his back. "I love you Toby." I whisper and and hugs back.

"Me too." He whispers and kisses my head. He pus away and they leave. I sit on the couch and watch tv. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I decide to go upstairs and change. It was cold out today so I put on purple skinny jeans and Braidens hoodie still. I put my brown uggs on and go outside.

"Liz. C'mon we are leaving." Braiden says and I stand up. I go over to him and put my stuff in his car. I get in and get out my phone.

"I can't wait Braiden." I smile as we drive towards Toby's house. Once we get there I run inside. Braiden brings our bags on the bus. Riley greets me first. Then Connor. Then Thomas. Lastly I kissed Toby lightly. "When are we leaving?" I ask him

"Now." He laughed as we all went to the bus. Time for tour

(A/N sorry it's short. It's Sunday and I'm tired. I will try to update in 3 days. Make sure to comment. Vote. Share. And tell your friends about this)

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