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" August knock it off! " i laughed and ran away from him with my ice cream in hand.

" Just gimmie some! " he shouted while he chased after me.

He took me out to get some ice cream since it was hot out and he didn't order anything. Sooooo , the minute i start to eat mines , he wants some. Like , niiggggaaaaaaa ,

Don't fuck with my ice cream.

" No! Go get you some! " i say pouting as i stopped to take a break. and  started to eat my ice cream.

" C'mon Beybeh please shit. Ya know its hot as fuck outside. " he begged poking his lips out.

i side eyed him and gave him some of my ice cream cone / bowl. I watched as he devoured my whooolllleeeee bowl. My mouth became ajar and i stomped my foot.

" August what the hell!? " i say frustrated.

" Look , beybeh i'm sorry love. " he said chuckling. It didn't make my stomach turn this time , i was highly irritated.

" No fuck you. " i say walking away from him.

" Cmon love , don't be like that. I'a buy ya some mo. " he said pulling my hands. he held one and kissed it. He rubbed his thumb against it and i tried to keep my composure as if it didn't faze me. But in the inside , my butterflies were swarming.

" No August . You ate it all. You didn't leave me even a damn bite ! " i expressed holding up a finger.

he smirked.

" Shole didn't. " he said being vulgar.

i eyed him and laughed.

I wanted to be mad at him. But i could not.

" Stooppppp. I'm trying to be mad at you. " i say letting my hand drop to my sides.

" Ian gone letcha be mad at me. " he said bringing me closer to him as he held my waist.

" Asshole. " i mumbled loud enough so he could ear.

" you like it. " he said towering over me.

" I do. Your .....  different.. I've never dated my teacher before. " i say smiling.

" I feel the same way. We're a forbidden love. I cant really show ya off like i wanna. Though we ain't , official. " he said.

i nodded in agreement and hugged him. He wrapped his lanky arms around me and in that moment i knew 2 things .

1. I felt safe
2. He smelt good as fuck.



" Ave's whea ya at?! " I scream walking through my backyard.

" Over here! " she said , i quickly spotted her by the pool , laying down in the chair.

" Finally. I gotta tell ya some. " i say

" O-okay. what? " she said nervously.

" Nothin' " i said blankly. She hit my arm and we shared a laughter.

" I wanna cuddle . " she said and poked her lip out.

" Lets go inna house. Hot as shit out hea. " i said getting up dusting off my pants.

she jumped up and did the same.

" Auggggg , carry me.. " she pouted

" no. Ya too big fa ta be carried around. " i say groaning.

she giggled and she jumped on my back.

She wrapped her arms around my neck ,

careful not to choke me.

As we reached my bed , i went ahead & laid her down .

I did the same & rested my face in the crook of her neck.

Bringing my arms up to her waist , i wrapped my arms around her.

She smelt so fucking good. She smelt like vanilla. Sweet. just how i like it

I began to place small kisses on her neck lightly & listened to her soft moans.

" A-augu- " she stuttered.

I cut her off.

" Ssshh. " i say in her ear and continue leaving my mark.

" August..." she whimpered

I bit on her neck and sucking it so the pain could go away. She squeezed my arm and gasped.

i let my eyes travel  back up to hers and her eyes were low.

" Kiss me. " she whispered pulling my neck.

She didn't say anything but a word.



My teacher  | August alsinaWhere stories live. Discover now