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The next morning , i showered and put on clothes . I even did my hair so i could look decent . I was meeting My brother travis's new born and his fiancé.

I was a little nervous because i wasnt a fan of meeting new people. I brushed my teeth and popped some gum into my mouth. I texted chris to see if he was okay . Hes my bestfriend and i was worried.

Me - im just checking on you. I hope you slept well. Please dont be mad at me. Its thanksgiving Christopher. But . Im sorry she left us. And im sorry you are attatched to her. Enjoy yourself with your family today okay? I love you.

But i never got a response , as suspected. He was always like this. Whenever hes mad , give him space. He'll come around. But i didnt know if he was this time.

My phone rang , hoping it was chris , but it was August.

" hey . " i simply say.

" woah , whats wrong wit ma beybeh? " he asked

" me and Chris got into an argument last night and hes not fond of me right now. " i deeply sigh.

" Its thanksgiving , deal with that after the fact. But , im supposed to go out to eat with you and travis . " he saids.

" How come you arent in New orleans with your family ? " i ask curious

" i wanted too . But , im not on speaking terms with none of my family . "

" Im sorry i asked. It was personal . " i regret.

" no no , its fine. I have nothin' to hide. But , i called you to see if ya ready. We supposed to meet them at the restaurant. " he saids.

" yes , i am. Be quick. I miss you. " i pout.

" Stop bein' clingy aves shit. " he groans and smacks his lips

" You cant call anybody clingy. " i say laughing.

" Ya tryna start some Avery? " he asks.

" No. " i say being submissive.

" No what? " he challenged

" No daddy. " i say .

He chuckled on the other end .

" I'll be dea in less than 10 minutes. " he said , once i confirmed , he hung up.

I went to my room to see if my clothes looked fine. Spreading the imaginary wrinkles out of the skirt . I sprayed on Mango temptation from victoria secret all over my body. Making sure to put some on my neck.

I made sure my legs werent ashy and i walked downstairs.

Checking my purse to make sure i had everything , i began to walk slowly to the kitchen , spitting out my gum. Also to bite on some strawberries while i waited for august. I ate a couple of pineapples because they were my favorite. Before i could stick another in my mouth. I heard the doorbell ring.

I clasped the fruit away. Pratically throwing them in the fridge and jogging as fast as i could in heels to the front door.

As i swung it open , i exhaled deeply.

" Damn . Ya look sexy babe , shit. " he said looking at me up and down.

He held my hand , wanting me to do a little twirl. I did as he pleased and felt a smack.

" Oow! Aug! " i yell rubbing them to soothe the pain.

" beybeh , is ya 'een wearin' panties? " he asked looking.

" Lets go , preferably now . " i say pushing him.

" im jus' sayin' babe. You look fine as fuck. Wish a nigga would look. Beat his muh fuckin' ass. " he mumbled opening my door.

" Your so - "

" August. Yep , i know. " he cut me off. I giggled at the man. He was ridiculous. But i loved him.

" Hand. " he demanded.

I placed it in his and he gave my hand several pecks.

I smiled. We were at a good place right now.


Christopher Brown

Hearing my phone go off and i looked to see who was texting me. Of course , it was avery. I sighed reading the message. Of course i wanted to talk to her but my inner self said let it be. I needed some time to myself today. It's thanksgiving for god's sake.

As i was getting dressed my mom shouted my name from downstairs.

I stopped doing what i was doing to go see what she wanted.

" Yes momma ? " i ask.

" Some more of our family will be arriving soon. Plug the air freshners up . " she said sweetly.

" Thats all you need? Anything else? " i ask.

She smiled at me. She pulled my head down to her level and kissed my forehead.

" No baby. But i have suprise for you. But you will have to wait. " she said.

" Mom. Just spill it. " i say

she shook her head.

" I wont do it. " she said contemplating with herself .

I counted down to ten.


" Go on now. " she spoke.


" I wont do it . " she said shaking her head.


" Christopher maurice brown. " she warned.

I gave her my puppy dog eyes. Waiting for her to break


The doorbell rung. I sighed at trying to break her thoughts.

I went to answer the door and noticed a tall man. Same conplextion as me. Looked as if i was staring at myself in the mirror.

" Mom! " i called out.

" Oh what is it n- " she paused as she stared at the man.

" Hello joyce. It is nice to see you again. " he spoke.

" Maurice. " she smiled.

" dad? " i ask,


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