I love you

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The minute i got out of school , i went straight to August's house. I wanted to see how he was holding up. The sight of him crying was pissing me off.

August deserves so much better. And he was my everything. And i would do everything and anything for him to know that.

I began to pull up in his drive way and i got excited. Any time i saw him it changed my mood. He just has that vibe.

He just that nigga

I thought and smirked.

I get out if my car , and make sure its locked . Though his neighborhood was extremely rich like , i still take my precautions.

I rung his doorbell and it takes him a while to answer.

I look at my phone seeing its " 1:45 "

Was he asleep?

I began to turn around when i heard his door open.

" Hey. " i say smiling small.

" come in " he said as he moved so i could enter. He shut his door and locked it.

" How are you ? You feel better? " I ask as we were walking upstairs.

" Yeah . Lah bit. What you tryna do? " he asked as we walked into his room.

I sat on his bed and looked at him.

" What are you talking about ? " i say as i giggled.

" I mean , you show up at a niggas house with leggin's and i see ya ain't wearin' no panties either. " he said

" wow , look who's observant. " i say being sarcastic.

" i mean , i'm lookin dead at ya pussy print. Ya wanna explain? " he asked licking his lips . He began walking closer until he was hovering over me.

" N-no. " i stutter as i look down.

He jerks my chin back up and instantly i fell his plump lips engulfing mine.

I moan in his mouth because i missed this. I miss him. I'm not used to not seeing him every morning. He is the reason why i'm happy to go to school. He is my happiness.

And it scared me.

He lays me down pulling my legs up and i wrap them around him.

He breaks the kiss and looks over my face biting his bottom lip.

He kisses all over my face making me giggle and began eating on my neck.

Slight moans came out of my mouth. It was uncontrollable  The way he nibbled , sucked , and kissed. It was just .. Everything about him keeps me on my toes.

He went lower and sucked on my collar bone and it drew me insane. It was my ultimate weak spot.

I arch my back and wrap my legs around him tightly as between my legs were heating up.

I bit my lip trying to mask the moans but it was extremely hard.He just knows my spots & exactly where to drive me crazy.

His hand slid across my stomach sliding the shirt up smoothly. His nails circled around my bare stomach making me bulk every now and then.

He moved his head directly in front of me watching my expressions change . he bent down kissing me hungrily and groaned in my mouth.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance .

" please . " i whispered before his tongue softly made its way into my mouth. I loved the feeling. He was always gentle and slow. Never rough and disgusting the way they look in movies.

His hand glided downwards and his hand touched over my treasure and i gasped. He watched my expression and bit his lip.

He began to rub and demand my legs open. He put  pressure on my ' love box '

Making my jaw drop.

" Can i ? " he asked

I bit my lower lip and nodded. He slipped his hands in slowly instantly rubbing my pearl making me arch my back at the touch.

" A-August. " i whimper as i imagined him inside me. I closed my eyes and let the feeling take over .

It wasn't long before i felt a finger go inside at a slow but fast pace.It hurt for a minute or two because i was new to all of this. He knew that. He was always patient. One thing i admired about him. several minutes later , i found pleasure as I began to hold on to the edge of the bed and closing my mouth to mask the moans.

My body was beginning to jerk as my eyes rolled to the back of head. I was having an extreme orgasm and my toes became at point as i screamed.

I could hardly keep my eyes open as my mouth became ajar.

" A-august... " i whimper lastly as i watch him stuck his fingers in his mouth.

I smiled at him as i jerked his mouth towards mine.

I loved him . So so soo much. So much , i couldnt really explain it.

" i love you. " i say

" i love you too. " he spoke kissing my lips once more.

" i wanna wash over my self. Can i borrow a Tee & some boxers? " i ask

He nodded biting his bottom lip.

I smiled at him. Everything about him makes me happy.

I go to his drawer and pull out a white tee shirt & some gray boxers.

Before i go into his bathroom , i look back to see him staring. I look down & proceed into the bathroom with my heartbeat on 1000!


I'm so sorry i kept yall waiting😭💗. I honestly didn't want to end it like this but i wanted to hurry up and get her first orgasm out of the way😂. Don't worry. I'm back on track and will update once a week. & maybe if i feel special probably twice. So , i love you all💗. I read all of you guys comments & yall crack me up!😂😂💗. I respond to most of them so its love💛

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