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Monday evening

I was sitting in my room with Chris eating a big bag Of barbecue chips while watching some ridiculous movie.

" What is this about again? " i asked uninterested.

" This about a girl who was rapped and kidnapped who is stuck i'm between 2 states , Alive , and dead. I mean , She meets friends and all. She thinks she really alive but then she realized she isn't when people cant hear her. Her dad goes all crazy trying to put the killer to justice. Mom moves out because of stress. I mean , it really gets any better. "  he spoke being sarcastic.

The movie was called lovely bones.

Well when he put it like that , it became interesting.

I got comfortable and laid on his side laying my head on his arm . He didn't mind it. He was like my big brother. And i was the little sister he never had.

I let him have the chips as we watched the movie.


2 hours later

I yawned and rose up from my bed walking Chris to the door.

" Didn't i say it was gone be a good movie? " he teased smirking.

i rolled my eyes.
opening the door

" Yes you did. " i admitted rolling my eyes playfully.

" We should have this Monday movie night every week. Kind of fun putting you to shame. " He said and we laughed together.

" Next Monday is my turn . So don't get too excited. " i say poking his chest.

" If ya say so. goodnight Ave's. " he said opening his arms .

I hugged him smelling his Versacé cologne.

" Night Chrissy. " i say as he chuckled at my little pet name for him.

He kissed my forehead and when he stepped out , August was there.

oh shit hell is about to break lose.

" Hey Mr. Alsina . " Chris spoke with a smile.

August didn't say anything , he just mean mugged the shit out of him.

Chris furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. Chris isn't intimidated by nobody. He means well. People love him honestly.

once Chris was out of sight , August began to scream at me.

I closed the door so the neighbors wont see me kill his ass.


i started to get annoyed at him yelling at me.


" August . Do not raise your voice at me because i'm not raising mines at you. Secondly , i'm well aware that it is just 12 passed 8. Me and Chris are not dating , He originally came over for some advice on his future girlfriend aka , Giovanna on ways to ask her out. And we ended on watching a movie he wanted me to watch. Lastly , He was hugging me goodbye and kissed my forehead. A common gesture people do. Calm down. " i say calmly trying not to blow my top.

" That doesn't mean a goddamn thang! He was in your house! And we both know , Ain't nobody hea! Yall coulda been fuckin! " he spoke pointing upstairs.

Now he really was starting to piss me off.

" August i am a virgin! Fuck i look like losing my virginity to Chris ? That's like fucking Travis! " i scream.

" I don't want any boys in here. Your mine. Got it? " he spoke towering over me.

" Sometimes i really fucking hate you. " i say walking away from him.

" Thats fine beybeh. " he said chuckling.

It pissed me off how he found humor in this. I threw a pillow at his face and he straight faced me.

" What the fuck ! " he said walking over to me.

I laughed at him . He didn't find it funny , he was beyond pissed. Did i care? Hell fuck no.

He picked my short ass up and slammed me against the wall by my upper arms.

" Do you think this is a fucking game? " he asks gritting his teeth. I didn't fear him in this moment. He looked cute as hell. I bit my lip at the sight if him.

" No. No i don't. " i say as stare at his lips.

" Do not! Eva! In yo life! Throw shit in my face! " he said gripping my arms tighter.

" yes daddy. " i whimper.

His eyes grew narrowed and he shook his head smirking.

He let me down and i rose to my tippy toes and kissed him. His lips were soft and gentle as always.

" Don't be such a sour patch. I only have heart eyes for you. " I say as i pulled away.

" I still 'ont want him in hea. " he said

i rolled my eyes.

" Its my house august. Don't be like that. " i whine.

" Cut that whining shit out. " he said

" Yes daddy " i say pecking his lips before going into the kitchen.

" Keep playin' wimmie , yo ass aint gone be no damn virgin in the next 10.5 seconds. " he pointed.

" You like it though. " I say grabbing some fruit

" Shole do. But i came hea ta lay up. " August said.

" Its a school night. You brought a bag? " I ask

" Duh. Yo brotha commin' On wednesday. " he said

i nodded.

" Cmon , lets go upstairs. " i say with my bowl of fruit.


All yall wanna fight me😂😂 I love it when yall comment tho💖. Its love. ✨

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