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A month later


" Chris , you got to admit , that movie i picked last night was bomb. " I say as we waited for Giovanna to pop up .

" It sucked. I'm glad its my turn next week. " He said smirking as he sipped some juice.

" Oh you just wait till its my turn. " I say laughing.

" Wait till what? " I heard Giovanna's voice.

I don't know why , But my head snapped at her & my heart started to beat fast.

" Nothing major . Avery was just saying she cant wait till its her turn to pick the next movie on our movie night. " Chris said without a problem.

" How come i was never invited? " Gigi said as she was basically going into defense mode.

" Its always just been a Chris & i best friend thing. "  i say

" Oh. I see. " She said frowning looking totally butt hurt.

" no . I'm sorry that came out wrong. If you want to come you can. " I trying to reason.

" No , i don't want ruin your friendship thing. Its cute. Actually . " She said smiling.

" I mean , One of these weekends we can find you a hot guy & we can all go to the movies & have some drinks . Get fucked up. Shit faced in the morning. Like , reaallly bad. Then come to school looking like complete shit turds & have on sunglasses walking around and saying things like ' ssh your too loud ' Or ' The light is so bright ' - " She started to ramble.

My eyes bulked out & Chris's eyes & mouth dropped.

" Babe..? " Chris said speechless.

" Yeah ? " She said with ease.

" We are not getting ' fucked up ' or ' shit faced ' The hell ? " He said chuckling.

She shrugged.

Luckily , we were all saved by the bell.

" Bye guys. See you at lunch. " I say

They gave me a nod and i pranced into 1rst period . I didn't care of how short my shorts wore , it was getting extremely hot outside and i refuse to keep uneccesary heat

I glanced over at August desk to find a substitute. Where the fuck was he ?

I flipped some curls off my shoulder before i sat down.

Nathaniel sat with a group of girls & i laughed . He pulled off a good act.

I believe low key he was still possibly hurting from jasmine. Is that what he wanted me to know ?

But he still didn't have a reason for playing with my emotions. But then again , i never heard his side. So maybe , i should just talk to him.

I texted him.

Me- We need to talk.

Nathaniel💛- Yeah , we do. When?

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